Saturday, September 13, 2008

Inky and Lola: Lipstick Pig

A little Inky and Lola for ya...

Our cat, Corky...Is she praying to God and the Holy Baby Jeebus, or to Sammy "The Bull" Gravano?

I am off to see my 13 year old clone, but before I go, a word about McCain's claim that Obama was calling Gov. Sarah Palin a pig earlier this week.

And more so, Johnny Mac's "outrage" over Obama's sexist comment towards Palin.

Johnny Mac has gone off of the edge as far as being a decent human being. He's become a bitter old man who will do and say anything to become President.

Well Johnny Mac should know first hand about ugly comments towards women...Here are but a few examples of the Mac-Man in action...

"You know, the French remind me a little bit of an aging actress of the 1940s who is still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn't have the face for it."

"At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." -to his wife, Cindy, after she playfully twirled his hair and said "You're getting a little thin up there," as reported in the book The Real McCain by Cliff Schecter

"Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father." --at a 1998 Republican fundraiser

"Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, 'Where is that marvelous ape?'" --a joke McCain reportedly told during his first Senate race in 1986

Oh John McCain, you're such a peach to look out for poor, little, vacuous Sarah. How dare that mean Obama pick on her.

If you two get elected, make sure you hose Sarah during your first term, because if you guys get a second term, she'll be pushing and then exceeding 50.

I know how you like your chicks much younger than that.

Have a great Saturday, all.



Jeff B said...

If the Reps make it to the White House, I'm betting "Charlotte's Web" will be banned from the public school system.

Unknown said...

I thought cats were gods.

As for the lipstick thing, I agree with Inky.

Jay said...

Are you jealous that I'm getting all the hate mail? ;-)

Schmoop said...

Jeff: Ha. Banning books? Palin would nev--...Nevermind. Cheers!!

Nick: Cats KNOW they are gods. They haven't forgotten that the Egyptians worshiped them. Cheers Nick!!

Jay: That does stick in my crawl. I get very little hate mail. You are the man, you Brady-Hater. Cheers!!

katherine. said...



I am sick of all of them
it is gonna be a long two months
with no happy ending.

Desert Songbird said...

I have to agree with Katherine here. I'm sick of them all, and don't listen to any of the sound bites nor read any of the news.

Can I move to Canada for the next four years?

Schmoop said...

Kat: I looooove the Biden-Man. I wanted him in the Oval Office from the start. Sure he's long-winded, but he's smart and he can call a person an asshole with such a sweet smile on his face. Cheers Kat!!

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Oh hang in there...If they win, Sarah could be an unlimited source of amusement. Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

As much as Quayle was for four years and Dub has been for the past 8.


I'm so sick of this.

Dana said...

I agree, they are all good blog fodder - too bad you don't give them equal time though *wink*

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Yeah, we must take the good with the bad, no matter how much it hurts...and hurts....and hurts. Cheers!!

Dana: I am outraged by your implications!!

Obama? He's just not that funny. Biden? I have had a long and deep man crush on him for years.

So that leaves Palin/McCain. Outside of that, I am every bit as fair and balanced as Olbermann and Hannity. Cheers!!

Cheesy said...

Barack Obama said, “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.” To which Bill Clinton, said, “You know, I’ve tried that, and you’re right.” Barack Obama was on David Letterman. I’m not one to say who I support, but when I saw the show, I was thinking, There’s a very sexy compassionate man. Obama’s good too, but Dave . . .
Google is 10 years old this week. For a whole decade Google has been helping you find old friends, get good prices . . . and in some cases, get vice presidential running mates. I think it is cute that Corky is "pushing" religion!

Schmoop said...

Dana: Thank you for wrapping up the news events. As for Corky, she is a very devout Catlic. Cheers Cheesy!!

Jeff B said...

We interrupt this fantasy to remind you that your last comment came from Cheesey, not Dana.

Liz Hill said...

LMAO @ Cheesy!

Corky appears slain by the spirit!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Oh snap!!

Add me to the list of people both disgusted and exhausted by this election. The only reason to vote is supreme court nominees in my book. Palin is a booking banning douchebag and obviously Johnny is pretty much willing to teabag whatever set of nuts he needs to to become POTUS.

Schmoop said...

Jeff: Ha. Good One. I got it right at the end. And that's where it counts. Cheers!!

TB: She's a funny girl. And poor Cork, she was overcome by the Trinity. Cheers!!

Starr: It can be quite tiring, no? Johnny Mac is a scumbag. Cheers Starr!!

Jeff B said...

Maybe you were just thinking of a manage au queso?

Schmoop said...

Jeff: That's probably it. I do think about that often. Cheers!!

Ken said...

My first nine impressions of Obama...
Wow! he answers the questions.

My first nine impressions of Biden...
Wow! you can't bullshit that guy.

My first nine impressions of McCain...
Wow! he'll say anything to sound good.

My first nine impressions of Palin...
I'm still waiting!!!!!!!!

Schmoop said...

Micky: The most amazing thing is that you never see McCain's mouth or his Camp. Mgr., Rick Davis' mouth moving when she speaks. Those guys are good!! Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Evil: Inky and Lola Rock. If you haven't seen all of my I & L's, click on the label below. There's some good stuff there. Go Irish, and Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Lu: Nobody has better tits than Lola. Cheers!!

Anndi said...

Matt: I don't think I can take much more of Mccain and palin and all the rest.

Songbird: come stay with me!

Lu' said...

They are nice. Has he had work done?

Cheesy said...

I WISH I was dana sometimes!

Real Live Lesbian said...

"Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father." --at a 1998 Republican fundraiser

Ok, THAT made me laugh out loud.