Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Morning Church Disservice: The End of a Dream

It' going to be a glorious Sabbath in Bagwine, Ohio. Sunny and 64. The Beer Mine should be hoppin' as I man it from 11-7 today.

After work, I am off to see Ryno as it may very well be the last time I see him prior to him and his mom boarding a bus at 5 A.M. Tuesday morning for his class trip to Washington, D.C.

Speaking of Ryno...He attended the District Science Fair finals yesterday. We jammed to The Cars on our way down and were laughing the whole way.

The hall was abuzz with tiny scientists displaying their mental wares.

There's Sweetman. His table looks bare and he looks sad. Oh, I know why!!

The judges told him that his petri dishes containing his bacteria samples would be considered "props". If he displayed them, he would be disqualified. Silly us...

We assumed that his BACTERIA cultures were an integral part of his BACTERIA experiment. What do we know? Frickin' Science Fascists.

Oh well...He pressed on.

There's Ryno sans samples explaining his project to two judges. The lady with her back to you was descibed by Ryno as a bitter woman who had just now been released from an old, Soviet-Era gulag.

In fact, when I mentioned that judge to him after the show this is the look that I got from him...

Ryno received an "Excellent" rating from the nice judge and merely a "Good" rating from the gulag survivor. Thus, his dream of moving on has ended. Is he upset? Eh, no.

One exhibit really caught my eye. I don't how well the kid who did this display fared, but I know that if he had entered it into a English Language Fair, he wouldn't have scored too well...

I think that this display also begs the question, "Is our children learning?"

Amen, and Amen...

On this fourth Sunday of Lent, my weight is 181. So, through my Meatlessness for the Messiah, I have dropped 6 pounds since Ash Wednesday.

Have a lovely Sunday all, and I shall see you tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Meat Meat Meat the boys are marching!!! congrats to Ryan "DOLBY" SCIENCE!!!!!!

Schmoop said...

Anoymous: Cut that out, face!! As soon as Lent is over, I'm going to eat a river of liver. SCIENCE!! Cheers David!!

Anonymous said...

No props, huh? That's weird.
But props to Ryno for a job well done...even if the science nazi's were buzzkills.

Schmoop said...

Metal: The thing is, I don't see them as props. Oh well, we were both pissed off at first, but we got over it pretty quickly. He soothed his soul with a 1/4 pound hot dog, a cheesebureger, two waters, and a large order of fries. Cheers Metal!!

none said...

I had that same gulag bitch for a teacher..I thought she would have dried up and blown away by now.

As for that last project, I bet you anything it was the parent who made the display..

Schmoop said...

Hammer: Ha. I think we all had her at one point. She never dies. And I chuckled myself thinking, hell didn't one of the parents catch that grammatic error? Cheers Hammer!!

Ken said...

his dream of moving on

seriously now,

I'm glad he got over it with all that meat!

Schmoop said...

Micky: Yeah, and he was quite amused while eating it in front of me...the little shit. Cheers Mick!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

That beyotch looks way too well fed to be a Gulag survivor. More Nazi prison matron, me thinks.

Excellent choice of travel music! Kidlet and her Grandmother fly out to San Fran for the week today. I am on my way to deliver her ipod shuffle and a starbucks bagel to her and say buh-bye.

Desert Songbird said...

Leave it to you (and me!) to see a display with such glaring mistakes. We're such dorks.

Don't work too hard. Say "Hi" to Kyle for me.

Travis Cody said...

So the actual science experiment part of the science experiment is a disqualifying element to participating in the science fair?

Who knew?

katherine. said...

ahh...we all get caught by "the small print" don't we? Still he did great.

Hope he LOVES Washington DC!

Karen said...

What was that answer?? Do energy drinks effect blood pressure?

Schmoop said...

Starr: I hope she has quite the time. Ryno is ready to roll himself. I so dig The Cars. Cheers Starr!!

Songbird: Oddly enough it was the only exhibit that jumped out at me. That's why I'm not a scientist. Cheers!!

Travis: I know!! I am so out of the Sci-Fair loop. Cheers Travis!!

Schmoop said...

Kat: Yes he did a fine job, and we went through the entry forms and couldn't find a damn thing that mentioned no "props". I tellz ya. Cheers Kat!!

Karen: Ha. I never did look at it up-close, so I have no idea. Dontcha think someone would have pointed that out to the kid? Cheers Karen!!

Marilyn said...

I understand the "props" thing but it seems like they should have told you ahead of time. They are trying to make science fairs more like grown-up science poster presentations. Having attended a few of those myself, I think it's a mistake. Science fairs are more fun.

The green guy would get graded down by me... just based on his headache inducing color combo.