Yes, I watch it on the weekends because well...
The two dudes are not incredibly hateable like their weekday counterparts, Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade.
Unlike Fox and Friends weekday Gumby Gal, Gretchen Carlson, Alisyn Camerota can put complete sentences together and is smokin’ hot.
They had uber-nutjob and founder of National Action Against Obesity (NAAO), MeMe Roth on. Oh, how I loathe her simple, skinny ass.
She’s a Food Nazi who has called for boycotts of Girl Scout cookies, said that Jordin Sparks should not have won American Idol because she’s fat, and wants junk food banned altogether.
She’s a goofball and media whore, and her appearance on F&F just fired me up about this whole movement to tax and/or ban “junk food”.
Roth is far from alone in the movement to tax or ban certain products. Governor Patterson of New York wants to tax sodas that are high in sugar.
It’s all because there is a childhood obesity epidemic and the Guv wants nothing but the best of health for the cheeeeldren.
Oh, and the 1.2 BILLION Dollars the tax would generate for the state would be nice too.
Individuals and advocacy groups popping up over the issue of junk food related obesity are almost always involved in the cause for one of two reasons.
Either they want to generate money through taxes or…
Individuals and advocacy groups popping up over the issue of junk food related obesity are almost always involved in the cause for one of two reasons.
Either they want to generate money through taxes or…
Jesus Christ, now dig it…
Jesus Christ, now dig it…
Weekday mornings I watch Morning Joe on MSNBC. It’s hosted by Joe Scarborough, a former U.S. Rep from Florida.
He’s quite the conservative, but I find him funny and they have really good and varied guests on.
The only drawback to his show? His co-host, Mika Brzezinski.
The only drawback to his show? His co-host, Mika Brzezinski.
Oh dear God, she is a Junk Food Nazi just like MeMe Roth.
She finds it super duper that smoking is banned in all places but one’s bathroom.
She finds it super duper that smoking is banned in all places but one’s bathroom.
And, she loves the fact that Gov. Patterson wants to tax soda.
She think it’s “cool” because he is taxing things that are bad for people.
She often berates Scarborough for his weight and sometimes refers to herself as, “Mommy”. Uh-Huh, if that doesn’t hit the societal nail on the head.
Some people want to be everyone’s mommy and dictate how they live. I’ve got two words for Mommy Brzezinski and others of her self-rightgeous ilk…
Get Stuffed!!
Because of people like these, laws have been enacted that force us to wear seatbelts, helmets, and in turn, veto our personal choices and responsibility.
They have grossly exaggerated the effects of second hand smoke which has forced smokers to hide in the shadows while paying exorbitant taxes. And now…
These same people want to tell us what to eat and drink, all in the name of the children.
Gimme a break. It’s all about the money and busy-bodyism.
So, Food Nazis, let me eat my junk food tax free and guilt free, because while it might not be good for me, it tastes so much better than the line of bullshit that you are feeding me.
She often berates Scarborough for his weight and sometimes refers to herself as, “Mommy”. Uh-Huh, if that doesn’t hit the societal nail on the head.
Some people want to be everyone’s mommy and dictate how they live. I’ve got two words for Mommy Brzezinski and others of her self-rightgeous ilk…
Get Stuffed!!
Because of people like these, laws have been enacted that force us to wear seatbelts, helmets, and in turn, veto our personal choices and responsibility.
They have grossly exaggerated the effects of second hand smoke which has forced smokers to hide in the shadows while paying exorbitant taxes. And now…
These same people want to tell us what to eat and drink, all in the name of the children.
Gimme a break. It’s all about the money and busy-bodyism.
So, Food Nazis, let me eat my junk food tax free and guilt free, because while it might not be good for me, it tastes so much better than the line of bullshit that you are feeding me.
I hate health Nazis! Kentucky just raised the tax on cigarettes by 60 cents a pack.
Nick: I had heard that. We are paying 5-6 dollars a pack here in Ohio. Screw the smoker, but dammit, we still want their 20 Billion in Sales Taxes, alone every year. Cheers Nick!!
When are they going to start taxing Fox? It is bad for you!
Smokes went up $1 a pack here last week.
I fucking hate food, smoke and drink nazi's..what I choose to kill myself with is my own business.
At least I'll die with a greasy nicotine stained smile on my face.
They just passed a huge cigarette tax increase here too. Lots of bitching and whining about it.
But, I hate Nanny State people. Always wanting to stop things like smoking, eating, gambling and sex. You know, the fun stuff.
Too bad Mika is one of them though. She's hawt!
Cheesy: Watching Fox is taxing enough. Bada Bing. Cheers!!
Hammer: Damn right. And...It's been shown that smokers SAVE the government money because they die sooner. Cheers!!
Jay: They are so frickin' annoying. Yeah, Mika is good lookin' but man, when it come to this stuff she's a pain in the ass...and she talks too damn much. Cheers Jay!!
...all the rilly cool people,such as we out here in California, smoke FOUR cigarettes at once!...
Phfrankie: You, my good man, are the master of one-upmanship. I bow to your greatness. Cheers P-Man!!
I wonder if she makes Joe call her Mommy when they're having sex in the make-up room?
I think they're taxing junk food in prep for the legalization of pot. Imagine the munchies revenue!
Dianne: I unhatched the pot/munchie industry plot idea a few weeks ago. Evidently, lawmakers didn't realize that I was kidding. Bastards. Cheers Sexy!!
The new tax on cigarettes is a Federal tax, not a state tax.
F the people who think they can tell me how to live my life...the people who are responsible for obesity in our children are their parents...
Not the fact that we sell junk food... Government...get out of my house.
Bond: While the Federal Tax on smokes went from .39 a pack to $1.00, in Kentucky where Nick lives, there was an additional State Tax.
But yeah, the Govt. needs to stay out of the bedroom, the kitchen, and McDonald's. I'm all for good health but...
While informational programs are great, let the consumer take that info and decide to engage in whatever LEGAL activities they'd like to. Y'know, like havin' a frickin' Double Cheeseburger with a bottle of Montain Dew. Cheers!!
I'm with Vinny. You can't tax people into being better parents.
Although I would also add that the trend over the last 20 years or so of Fear Media has most parents scared shitless to let their kids play outside so I blame sensationalist news programs designed to keep us in a constant state of paranoia ...which we deal with my shopping, smoking, eating and drinking ;)
The reason these people can get away with it is because smokers, drinkers and fat folks cost the tax payer an hefty (har) penny with health care costs.
BUT....It is typical government bullshit of not seeing the forest for the trees that they think the behaviors are the big issue here when in fact the big issue is THE LACK OF FUCKING HEALTH CARE.
Starr: Oh My God...I disagree with you for a point.
While access to Health Care, primarily prventative Health Care, which is not always available WITH insurance is a fucking problem...
I think the primary problem is personal and parental responsibility, or lack thereof.
Three to Four years ago, I weighed 265 and I did something about it. If my kid weighed the same, I would do something about that as well.
Fast food is delicious, as is beer, as are to me, smokes...But, I do it in moderation and I probably walk three miles a day.
I lost 85 popunds or so, not because it was dictated to me, but because I wanted to.
Being half way healthy, other than infractions that are dangerous over which a person has no control over due to working conditions, etc. is the responsibility of the individual.
I'm sure they, them junk food Nazi's would like nothing better than to throw my fat ass on an island as was done to leppers. Well I'd like to cram a ding dong down their throat :)
Oh no we actually do agree. I 100% think it is the parents. Did I mention their kids are entitlement complex rude little trolls as well as fat? It's why we have the talented asshats on reality shows who think are owed fame. Cause mommy and daddy never parented.
My point had to do with the governments actions. If they do want to get involved, they are going about it the wrong way. I think they are missing the appropriate point of intervention on their part. That would be better health care and not playing mummy and daddy.
PS...when I said "talented" that was sarcasm ;0
I agree EXCEPT second hand smoke sucks large hairy donkey balls and I am thrilled --THRILLED-- I say that I can go eat and not taste it or smell like it.
That being said I think there should be places people can smoke.
Gah--how can you watch Fox even in fun?
Lu: If they ever want to throw you onto an island, you are always welcome to be thrown ashore onto Matt'waii. ;) Cheers Lu!!
Starr: You never need explain your sarcasm to me. I got it. And as far as govt action, I think it's great if they would get into prevetative health care nd nutritional info, but once they do that, let folks do as they will. Cheers!!
Hoot: Now Hoot, commented below and said that Joe Scarborough is no Conservative and is a Republican In Name Only...Maybe that explains Scarborough's 95% favorable rating from the American Conservative Union while in Congress. Damn, Hoot wants it ALL. Cheers!!
TB: I'm not saying that second hand smoke isn't an irritant. And by the way, I am a courteous smoker. However...
ETS is completely over-evilized. It would take you to sit in a bar full of smokers for 250 hours straight to ingest the carcinogens equal to one cigarette.
If we are going after irritants, let's go after second hand colonge overdoses as well. Cheers TB!!
Is that the official island name for ComeonIwannalayya?
Lu: Yes...And...
The capitol of said island is, HonoLULU!! Hey that worked out perfectly. Cheers Lu!!
Ha! I love a good matt-man "in your face too" post. I hear ya, my friend, any judgement one does on the part of others is a slippery slope indeed. I prefer the Jack LaLanne way. He's walked his talk his whole life and he's still alive and healthy at 94 as a result but while you might find him obnoxious selling his juicers and telling it like it is, you also don't see him taking steps for force change in others; he merely offers the inspiration and education should one choose to listen.
I am so GRATEFUL that the government (federal, state and local) is watching out for my health and well being! I would hate for that to be left up to the individual - the idiots might all go away and then who would we make fun of??
the idiot mayor of San Francisco wanted to impose a soda tax. I think people finally pointed out the citizens would just go to a neighboring town to purchase their pop...and probably everything else while they were there.
I think if people want to smoke...they should be able to...with no extra taxes. However they should not be allowed to sue the tobacco companies for causing cancer.
The only exception to this is Mateo. He should apply the same crazyass will power he has shown in his eating habits to quit smoking...this time for good.
BTW...If anyone thinks the tobacco tax has ANYTHING to do with health issues... you are out of your mind. It is a politically correct and acceptable revenue vehicle...nothing more.
Word, Katherine. It's a sin tax and nothing more. And the part that I always found annoying is that the nail smokers way more than drinkers. If health issues were really the issue there would be a hell of a lot more focus on booze related illnesses and drunk driving.
VE: Thank ya and you're right. Motivation and Education are fine with me. But then it should be left in the hands of the person as to how they live. Cheers VE!!
Dana: Iditots and stupidity never go away. They merely change venues and/or causes from time to time. Cheers!!
Kat: I would never sue a tobacco company. I am addicted by my own volition. Giving up meat is one thing but smokes? Oy Vay.
And you are correct...The tax is just cash for things other than tobacco related health issues. Cheers!!
Starr: You can't tax booze too much. Too many people would be pissed off. Smokers are only 25% of the population...we're easy to walk all over. Cheers!!
That is exactly my point! Plus all the politicians get their cigars from Fidel hence tax free. Asshats.
Starr: I know it was. It looks as though alot of cigars may be coming back to the States in the near future. Cheers!!
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