Yes indeed. Super Happy Hole-ly Jeebus Week™ continues. And today?

They all sat down to eat after Jeebus, who has a foot fetish, washed their feet. In fact…
J-Man’s nickname among the group was not Lord. It wasn’t Teacher. It wasn’t Master...
Jeebus preferred to be referred to as, “The Big Toe.”
Freaky, no? I guess he was thinking twelve apostles make a foot and he was the leader.
Anyway, they all sat down to eat. Jeebus passed around bread and wine and told them that it symbolized his body and blood, and they should eat him and drink him.
Thus, the celebration of the Eucharist was born.
Unbeknownst to the Apostles, Mary Magadalene was ‘neath the dinner table between J-Man’s legs, performing…um…a more literal celebration of the Eucharist.
After they ate, Jeebus went out into the Garden of Gethsemane and wept and prayed, and prayed and wept...
Jeebus knew that he was going to die tomorrow, and that he had just received his last blow job.
Just then, Judas came out and kissed Jeebus in an act of betrayal, signaling him to be the Messiah to the Roman soldiers.

“And here all along, I thought it was John who made up the 8.3% of the gay Apostolic community. LOL.”
With that being done, Jeebus was arrested.
The twelve Apostles were angry. As angry as angry as could be. And, it was Matthew who cried out to God…
“Holy Crap!! Our last supper together was a piece of frickin’ bread? Someone call out for pizza, dammit!!”
His anger was echoed by John who lisped…
“Jeesthus, Mary, and Joesthuph…I shaved my legs for this!?”
Not a good ending to the night for anyone involved.
Well, except for Mary Magdalene who, sitting in the corner of the room, was well satisfied and puffing on a cigarette.
And there you have it folks…The events leading up to the death of the Holy Baby Jeebus.
Jeebus is being held by the authorities and I have begun my 72 hour fast. None of this can be good for anyone.
But to improve the mood a bit...Here is me singing Nazarean Dandy in an updated form. I hope you enjoy it.
Kat: Why Thanks. I just hope he doesn't put his Big Toe up my ass. Cheers Kat!!
I saw a movie that I think was similar to what you described once. Only after Judas betrayed Jeebus, Thomas leaned in and said "I always thought it would be Clemenza."
Oh and Porter Wagoner wants his jacket back. ;-)
That song rocked dude!
There was an awful lot of foot washing going on those days, wasn't there? Makes you wonder just where those feet had been! I think I saw a video reproduction of that on Red Tube!
Starr: Why thanks and tell your wouded kid thanks as well. Cheers!!
Jay: Ha. That's what one hears in the Vatican. And the jacket? I used to wear that 23 yrs. ago when I was doing stand up. The glitter justs brings it alive. Cheers Jay!!
Dana: At least they didn't use the footbath to make Dirty Foot Water Stew for the Last Supper. Cheers!!
Man of Matt have a good day Pal. I will have to check vid from home. I am not sure why but todays post made me thing of the three Stooges, instantly ?
Lu: You do the same. HA. Stooges. Can't ya just see Judas sittin' at the table eating a bowl of clam chowder and a clam comes up and spits chowder at him? Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk. Cheers Lu!!
...Betht. Potht. Evah!...
Phfrankie: Why Thhhanks. Care to go get a sthteam together, sthailor? Cheers P-Man!!
i'm on my way to get a pedicure for the foot wash.....and ONLY the foot wash....
Teamster: Killjoy. Cheers!!
"twelve apostles make a foot and he was the leader."
Now that is a line for the times....
freaking video and I can't see it...
Bond: HA. Thank You. That was my fave line as well. (Yeah, I'm a 12 year old). Anyhoo...
Keep in mind, there will be a video for tomorrow's Good Friday post. Cheers Vin!!
♫ Drop kick me, Big Toe, through the goal posts of life...♫
Ya scored 6 with that post, M2.
LMAO (@ WORK mind you) ♥
Dice: You sexy thing...Anything for you. Who knew a drop kick was worth 6? I just re-recorded a new one for tomorrow. Praise Jeebus!! Cheers Dice!!
At home dinner is done dishes wait in the sink but I must see vid; ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thanks :)
Lu: It was the big finish wasn't it? Ha. Cheers Lu!!
I could not watch your video earlier, I was at work and AFRAID, but I have to agree with Jay on the Port Wagoner jacket, that cracked me up!
Snugs: Ha. It is kinda kitschy. Or is that ugly? Cheers Snugs!!
Home today...watched this one first...I am amazed, no one pointed out that Jeebus was over your left shoulder slipping you the lines....
Bond: Ha. Indeed he was. Cheers Vinny!!
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