The last day of Holy Week. The day before Jeebus rises up…and most importantly…
The last day of my Meatlessness for the Messiah and the end to my 72 hour fast!!
Damn straight. The last meat I ate was clear back on February 24th. It was two Burrito Supremes and three Taco Supremes.
Yo Quiero, Jeebus Christ!! And, bitches…
My last meal period, was Wednesday night as I finished up my Velveeta and Herb Stuffing concoction at 11:53 P.M. Boy Howdy!!
I did cheat a little bit Friday afternoon. I had the Number 9 for lunch. And let me tell ya…Schmoop never tasted so good.
It will be close come Easter morning, but I may just crack that 180 pound threshold.
As you can see from the picture, I had Schmoop’s brother shave my head like a shorn lamb of God to give me that couple ounces of leeway.
Anyhoo…Today, in between
The ex is bringing Ryno by work briefly, because later today he will be headed to the Chicagoland area to spend Spring Break with his aunt, uncle, and two fave cousins.
I will see him off with a kiss, a hug, a twin pack of Grippo’s BBQ chips, and some spending cash. I hope the little shit appreciates it.
Kidding…I’m sure he will.
Of course, I am also sure that when he and his mom swing by, he’ll be gnawing on a huge, delicious hamburger saying, “Hey Dad…Look. This is soooooo goooood.”
So there you have it. The end and the Resurrection are in sight. Tomorrow, I will be shoveling White Castle cheeseburgers down my throat. Amen.
Have a great day, and a lovely Easter weekend. I leave you with an Inky and Lola Easter classic...
Dude, having Schmoop for lunch so doesn't count as cheating. Totally ignore Ryno he knows not what he does.
Michele: But I was kinda cheating. You see, while we were going hot and heavy at it, I was imagining that she was a BLT. And Ryno? Oh he knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Happy Easter to you and your family Michele. Cheers!!
Imaginary BLTs don't really count. It's like watching porn, it could happen but not really.
and Ryno....he's such a boy! AS JR says their brains disconnect from their brain stem until they are in their 20s. Trust us this really happens.
Michele: In their 20's? My brain stem didn't re-attach until I was 40. It still detaches periodically. Cheers!!
You are so screwed. Genetics are a bitch.
Michele: Don't I know it. Bad gums, bald, and blind as a bat. Thanks Mom. Cheers Michele!!
I'll be sure to keep an eye out from Ryno while he's in the area. I'm sure you feel much better about his trip now ...
Dana: Oddly enough...No, no I don't. Cheers!!
Enjoy the sliders Pal and Happy Easter :) Just one... OUCH!!! pricelss :O
Lu: Ha. I will indeed. Less than 24 hours to go. Have a wunnerful weekend, Lu. Cheers!!
Why not do another week.....
just to see if you can do it????
Just Kidding...
Hope you and Beth have a great Holiday!
Micky: Ha. Screw That!! I need some MEAT!!. Thanks, and you and Bic do the same. Cheers Mick!!
The last day of Lent is kind of like the last day of school. It really drags and it feels like it will never end. Although I have to admit that giving up junk food and fast food was easier than I thought it would be. Next year I should try something more challenging. Like alc ... uh, yea, we both know I'm not doing that. I'll think of something.
Enjoy your meat feast tomorrow!
Holy Saturday Batman!
I just always wanted to say that.
Jay had me scared there for a moment :P
If you decide to go for a week long fast we are going to have to name you Matthandas Ghandi ;)
I think next year I may just join you on your meatless journey. That should be interesting ;)
Jay: It's 5:57 P.M. I am staring at the clock. I am hungry. I want meat. But for now the beer will have to do. Congrats on your journey sans junk food. As for giving up year. Let's not get silly. Cheers!!
Travis: Thank You, and I hope you have a fantabulous Birthday today. Cheers Trav!!
Marilyn: And now you have. Have a great Easter, Marilyn. Cheers!!
Starr: Yeah like Jay or any other normal thinking person would do that. Week long? No. Way. In. Hell.
Here's to next year and your meatlessness. Cheers Starr!!
It's almost over, Meat-Man.
Songbird: I know...I am counting the 5 hours and 15 minutes until it is. Praise Jeebus and Happy Easter. Cheers!!
oh dear Lord....thank you Mateo will be eating...and meating...once again.
Kat: Thank the Lord, indeed. Life is good again. Cheers Kat!!
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