So I won’t be working up much of a sweat as I work the beer mines from 11-7 today.
After my shift of selling hops and barley to the masses, I’m off to see Ryno and help him with his Algebra for a few minutes.
Once our tutoring is complete, I will head back here to the Bagwine digs and do what I do every Sunday evening…
Refect on the past week’s events and converse with the Holy Baby Jeebus in hopes of making me a better person and the week ahead better than the last.
Oh, and I’ll drink a few beers as well.
Speaking of drinking beer…I would have typed this post last night but damn…
Twenty seconds into typing last night, what I was typing appeared to me to be written in Sanskrit. Ohhhh Baby, I was more than a bit buzzed.
So, I aborted my publishing attempt and turned my thoughts to having hot sex with Schmoop. This was not to be either, because I don’t think I could have even found her hoo-ha.
So, we ate hot dogs and baked beans and went to bed. Even in my haze, I managed to choose the appropriate course of action.
Amen, and Amen…
On a related beer drinking note…Saturday’s festivities yielded a couple of happy accidents.
First of all, I talked to Little Bill. He is another employee of Drive-By Mikey’s beer mine. I rarely mention Little Bill because I rarely see him as he only works there on my days off.
However, I stopped in to pick up my party supplies from him yesterday. We chatted for a few when he told me a humorous story.
He was more than happy to appear on the Bagwine Cam and relate to you that story about a “brilliant” customer that he waited on last week. Enjoy…
Thanks much Little Bill…We’ll definitely have you back on Bagwine in the near future. How could we not?
The other happy accident? While swilling beer with Schmoop and her brother Dave, Dave per usual, came up with a few truly rude one liners that had us cracking up.
It was apparent to me, and my ability to shamelessly exploit others, that his talent could no longer be confined to the Bagwine abode.
So folks…beginning this Friday and every Friday thereafter, Bagwine Ruminations will be presenting Dave’s pearls of wisdom to the masses.
Just think…
The other happy accident? While swilling beer with Schmoop and her brother Dave, Dave per usual, came up with a few truly rude one liners that had us cracking up.
So folks…beginning this Friday and every Friday thereafter, Bagwine Ruminations will be presenting Dave’s pearls of wisdom to the masses.
Just think…
Schmoop on Thursday and her brother on Friday. I’m sure that their 85 year old mom is incredibly proud of them. Or not.
Have a wonderful Sunday, all.
Have a wonderful Sunday, all.
Those kids do change a lot in their teenage years,don't they?
Have a great Sunday!
Dana: No Kiddin'. I swear he has grown three inches in the last three months. He has a more mature world outlook, and yet, he still has problems with priorities!! Right back at ya. Cheers!!
What a great picture of Ryno. His growing up to be a really handsome young man. You better be on the watch for those skanky girls with tons of baggage. Those boys seem to be drawn to them.
Michele: Tell me about it. I've been living with one for nine years. Cheers Michele!!
Damn! I wish I could figure out how to fix the audio on this computer. I hate missing funny stories!
In the meantime, the furball cat who owns me is pestering me because he won't go outside and play as long as it's cool and nasty water is falling from the sky.
Have fun with algebra and the kid.
Ryno is gonna be a handful.
I chuckle in anticipation of how you will handle the next four or five years.
Lil'Bill and BIL Dave...your characters are multiplying...
"Cast of characters" - um, yeah, I would say that accurately portrays you and those that inhabit your world.
Everybody knows that "Bud" means "Budweiser." I can't believe that stupid broad thought "Bud" meant "Bud Light."
Of course, they both suck. ;-)
OMG you have a Springtucky too???
I had a few moments similar to 'Bud girl' yesterday when I worked the betting boards at the Derby party.
...I KNEW it was called a hoo-ha....
Good thing you didn't type on her hoo-ha and have sex with the keyboard.
Hotdogs, beans and beer shortly before bedtime....Schmoop must really love you or she has no sense of smell and possibly some hearing loss.
Nick: Good Luck with Alex. Algebra was never so fun as it was tonight. Cheers!!
Kat: He's already a handful and the source of anxiety. As for the characters?
Hell, I get tired of reading myself seven days a week so I know damn well that everyone else does. Cheers!!
Songbird: I know plenty of colorful ones around here. There will probably future introductions. Cheers!!
Jay: Yeah not too bright evidently...and you're right...Budweiser blows. Cheers!!
Cheesy: Dear God, yes. There's a reason I call this place Bagwine, Ohio. It is also referred to as Moron's Paradise. Cheers!!
TB: Ha. I am sure you had fun with ti thought. Cheers TB!!
Phfrankie: You have excellent instincts. Cheers!!
PITS: No Kiddin...However keyboard sex isn't really all that bad. Cheers!!
David: Ha. Good One. I am sure she wishes that she had loss of hearing around here. cheers!!
Bah, I have no funny significant other with funny relatives to deal with my current BLEH regarding blogland. I have too much shit going on:P
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