My painting of the Bagwine Love Shack has reached the point where I must paint the walls in the area of the computer desk, so my computer will be all but down for awhile.
And…between working tonight, and my self-imposed Saturday evening deadline of having the entire paint job done, I will only be around here and there.
I know…you’ll miss me, and I appreciate that.
Just found out that Schmoop is off until July 6th. Oh Baby!! Fresh paint, new carpet, and Schmoop at home for a week!? Boy Howdy, there are going to be some fireworks popping off at the Bagwine digs.
Anyhoo…Here’s to Farrah Fawcett, whose famous swimsuit poster was for a time, the most masturbated to picture in the world.
And to Michael Jackson, about whom it was once said, “Michael is proof positive that only in America can a black boy grow up to become a white woman.”
May both of you rest in peace.
To Governor Mark Sanford, here’s to ya buddy. You lucked out. Because of the passing of Jackson, your saucy escapades have been all but erased from the headlines.
And, to all of you adorable chuckleheads…
Enjoy your Friday, and your first full weekend of Summer 2009. I’ll be around when I can.
I bet you don't even unplug that computer. You'll cover it with a piece of clear plastic so you never have to even loose sight of it.
Have a great weekend finishing up your new digs.
Keep telling Schmoop, "it'll be over soon"
Micky: Ha. My computer is my baby. I cannot trust a mere piece of plastic to protect her. Schmoop is relaxing a little but Corky is not a happy cat. Cheers Mick!!
Such dedication to the painting project. I would have moved right along to something else by now and let JR finish up. He's good at that.
Have fun, stay safe, see ya when you're done.
Michele: Normally I have the attention span of pole bean, but I have my flashes of dedication to a project. Have a great weekend as well. Give JR a big, sloppy kiss for me. Cheers Michele!!
Just curious ... do you paint in the nude?
Dana: Why yes, yes I do. This is probably something the Apartment Manager wishes she had known prior to coming up to see if we needed anything else in order to complete the job. Cheers!!
...I think painting in the nude is a wonderful thing...and you never lose the stir-stick!...
Phfrankie: Ha. The ultimate combination of raw sexuality and utility. And by the way, "The Stir Sticks" would be a great name for a band. Cheers P-Man!!
With all the painting done, you will have all next week to reap the rewards of Schmoop's gratitude...well, I'm assuming she'll be grateful that the love shack has been painted and freshened up for the coming years of blissful cohabitation.
Good luck with that, Matty. I know how you (and I) can be about deadlines, especially self-imposed ones.
David: She will be grateful. Which means she will tolerate my existence for a few days. I'm a lucky guy. Cheers David!!
Songbird: I'm great with deadlines. I always meet them. I just never exceed them. Cheers!!
Mr. Sanford got damn lucky!
Before the details came out, I heard someone say, "I bet there's a cheerleader involved in this!"
Happy Painting!
RLL: There was a cheerleader involved, but who knew that she spoke Spanish? Ola!! Cheers Sexy!!
Be careful taking Bagwine Central Command down and putting it back up. And have fun painting.
With Schmoop home with you, I'm betting that you two will be too busy with each other to get any painting done!
xox happy painting!
Jay: Oh yeah, I am just having a blast painting. Cheers Jay!!
Metal: Au Contraire...I am a true professional. No, really. Cheers!!
Cheesy: Joy Joy. Cheers Cheesy!!
summed up so eloquently in one friggin sentence:
“Michael is proof positive that only in America can a black boy grow up to become a white woman.”
Thanks for the chuckle,
one of your California adorable chuckleheads
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