I don’t get pissed off that often, but man, I did yesterday…
My good friend, and one of my future ex-wives Dana, pointed out how her son was getting bullied.
I commented, and then hilarity ensued in the form of puss boy Doggy Bloggy.
“Do you care if I go after this guy?”
After I was given permission to say whatever the hell I wanted to, I did just that.
You know what I got from the ensuing back and forth tirades between Doggy Boy and myself? Heartache!!
And not from Doggy, although he tried, but he is of feeble mind and has no dick, anyhoo…
I got the “shut-up” from some of Dana’s readers.
Yep. I was defending a friend of mine, one who was, ironically being bullied and I was told to “shut up”, “get over it”, “quit your pissing contest” by some readers of her.
I don’t get it…
Have we come to the point where many of the Bloggers are nothing but a bunch of pussies?
Are there a majority of people who lay comments in hopes of getting a return comment so they simply agree with the blogger and/or just leave something bland?
Fuck that.
Dana’s kid was bullied and although, a big kid, I defended him and her, and all I got was, “shut up, you’re being a dick.”
I thought blogging and forums of this type were for free discussion. I thought blogging was a catalyst for ideas, views, and personal expression.
Actually, blogging is exactly for those things…
However, some people don’t like what they hear, and when they hear it.
Me? I love to hear whatever you got and I don’t mind if you agree with me or another commenter.
It’s all good.
I don't mind some debate as long as it's not just constant shoving ideas down someone's throat w/out new points to make. I missed this exchange, will have to go check it out. Controversy is always interesting!
Some people want everyone to get along and be nice and shit.
I don't know why they cared though. Nobody forced them to read the comments. It's not like you guys were standing in their living rooms shouting at each other forcing them to listen.
Can't we all just get along?
I don't know what it is but suddenly I feel like trying to out run the police.
Ehhhh ... I appreciated the effort - if for no other reason than the fact that you are far more of an asshole than I am and can put the Doggy Bloggy's of the world in their place ... and usually without them realizing what has happened.
I missed the drama. I don't get it when people object to others comments - it's completely off topic and a total time waster. You have your opinion, Doggy Doo has his opinion and that's where it should end. Some people just like to stir the pot....Good for speaking your mind.
D: Hee Hee...It started out as an objection to Doggy Boy, and then became personal. I like engaging in personal attacks where he is concerned. Cheers D!!
Jay: Although being face to face with that sack of shit would be incredibly fun. I'm sorry...I guess I should have something nice. Ha. Cheers Jay!!
Mike: Go for it...and call them a bunch of pussies as you are doing it. It'll be fun. Cheers Mike!!
Dana: This all your fault you know. Eh, who am I kidding, I would have done the same thing even if you had asked me not to. I am an asshole, and I dig it. Cheers Dana!!
Evil: I agree, but I must admit...I like to stir the damn pot myself. I can't help it. Cheers ETW!!
...I agree with disagreeing, allowing that the disagreement is agreeable, thereby foreshadowing an agreeable disagreement...
Phfrankie: And I whole-heartedly agree with you...or not. Cheers P-Man!!
I thought the whole thing was high comedy. I came back a few times to catch up on the exchange. I was impressed with Doggy's unstoppable use of the word "Pussy".
Face it Matt-Man, you are a dick, and that's ok with me.
I enjoy debate. I prefer people with the intellect and wisdom to see past the snot nosed position though. Bullies in any place in the world need to be stood up to. The way to do that is to allow the bully to make a fool of themselves and take away the other cowards behind the bully. You know the ones who will run the minute fists are raised or the bullied starts walking them back.
I gotta go read this post you refer to.
Karen: Ha..Yes I noticed that. I thought the exchange brought the best out in my ability to be an asshole. For that, I am ever grateful to him. Cheers Karen!!
Charlene: I have along history with bullies and may post about it tommorow. I dig fuckin' with bullies. Cheers Charlene!!
All kinda shit is food for fodder these days: immigration, bullying, teen sex. WTF else? People are entitled to their ideas/opinions. They should be debated in good form and cheer, but you do have your heretics. You are good friend Matt for going to bat for Dana and her son. KUDOS!! & Cheers!!
Bullies deserve to have their proverbial and literal asses kicked and our Matt-Man is just the guy for the job. Well, I don't think our Matt-Man is violent but he can deliver a fierce tongue-lashing with the best of them.
I missed that exchange....I must have been sleeping off too much wine....No I mean I was napping. I'm an old fart, I need my rest.
I'm pretty non-confrontational so my comments tend to be silly. I like to think that I'm less of a pussy and more of someone that sees both sides to the coin. Then again maybe I'm just a pussy. Whatever.
The thing is bullying is never ever right. To tell you the truth people who bully are the biggest pussies because they pick on others that tend to be like me, non-confrontational. We don't want a fight. We just want to live our lives without interference.
Since, I missed that whole exchange I can't comment on it but if you stuck up for the kid that was getting bullied, good for you. Makes me proud to be your blog friend.
Bobby: I am like a knight in shining armor, or is that a knight in a tin foil hat? Thanks Michelle, and Cheers!!
David: It takes alot to force me into physical violence, but it doesn't much to release a tongue lashing. Cheers David!!
Michele: Why thanks for the kind words and I agree with your assessment except for the you being a pussy. Cheers Michele!!
Matt-Man, you should be smiling. If all they had to say to you was "Shut Up" and "You're an Asshole" You know you have won the argument. They have nothing to come back with...nothing.
You keep making it do what it do Matt-Man!
Joker: I shall do just that Joker and thanks. Cheers Joker!!
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