I see you post on your website and you’re doing some serious venting, which is cool…but, it’s like you are more so seeking affirmation from people that perhaps you really don’t want to know to begin with.

And seriously, you seek solace from people who tweet you or comment on your blog?
Many of the people you seek out ride your emotional coattails and those of others and slip in their slicky boy comments in a sociopathic way, and whether they truly agree with you or not, they just “love you to death.”
Uh-huh…It’s truly a morbid, symbi-cyber relationship.
Y’know…I find writing everyday on my site to be fun, sometimes cathartic. I enjoy seeing that someone in Egypt, or Bahrain, or the U.S. State Department checked me out. It’s all kinda cool.
I also like your comments, but if I get a comment that is “anti-Matty”, I don’t bust a gasket. Hell, I revel in it and return fire. Man, I dig that more than a naked Schmoop straddling my face as she sings Son of a Preacher Man by Dusty Springfield.
On Facebook and Twitter, it’s the same thing. People become absorbed in “drama.” Ha. What drama?
Somebody de-friended you? Somebody unfollowed you? Somebody said something that hurt your feelings? Unless it is an actual best friend that has been a staple in your life, why do you care?
You people of whom I speak, are flat, fucking freaking me out!!
Maybe if you were to drop your virtual reality that is social media and just have fun with the gloriousness that is the tubes of the internets, you could drop your virtual, yet very real angst and martyrdom.
Oy!! And now…I feel better…
Tonight on I’m With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio at 11 PM EST, Jayman and I will be celebrating the upcoming President’s Day Holiday.
Marty Martenstein has one helluva Marconi Award Winning interview with President William Henry Harrison.
We’ll be taking your calls as well on I’m With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio Thursday night at 11 EST.
To access our radio page click HERE.
Until tonight when I see you on the radio…
Well said....We aren't gonna bring you your rants right? Hey, it's all cool.
I will be the first to admit that at times I let the stupidity get to me. Usually because I am just swimming in it.
But give me a day or two on my meds and I am all good again.
Thanks for the psychological adjustment Matt. I truly needed it.
Oh but the drama is so much fun to watch. It's better than anything on TV. haha
I hate all people equally, so I get this. :)
Seriously - drama sucks.
Also, my kid (and *ME*, since I have to help her) just did a report on William Henry Harrison. For realz. Fucker is president for 1 month, and we thought it would be easy. Old Tippecanoe can tippamyass.
Joker: Eh...Everyone has moments of angst and hyperbole but some folks are constant. Cheers Joker!!
Jay: I didn't say I didn't like it..Okay I did...Maybe it's like a guilty pleasure. Cheers Funny Man!!
Sybil: Ha..You should hear Marty's interview. He should win an award. Who knew that a 30 day Preaz could be so complex? Cheers Lovely One!!
Hey! My post has been up for 29 minutes. How come you haven't commented yet??? Ha! I crack myself up. ;-)
Hey Sybil I'll email you the audio of Marty's interview with WHH and your kid can include it in her report if you want. hahaha
Jay: Ha...That's actually a great idea. I bet the kid would get extra credit. I'll be over right away. I'm not a Google Reader snob like you so I don't know when you post. Cheers Jay!!
What? You didn't know that I had posted? But, I announced it on Twitter! You missed my Tweet? I'm crushed. This is the worst night of my social media life EVER! hahaha ;-)
Jay: Ha...You ARE on a roll. I feel much shame!! Cheers and a Thousand Pardons, Jay!!
"you seek solace"
That's just not true. Right Jay, right Dana?
Mike: Ha. I don't know about Dana, but I know Jay is seeking something other than solace. Cheers Mike!!
Hair Care: Rev up the Panzers, Bitches; It's a celebration!! Cheers Joe!!
Ummm ... could you be less passive-aggressive?? See?? I want NAMES dammit! Obviously I'm missing out on the drama and I need to follow a few more folks on twitter!
Dana: I'm nor being p/a. I was merely vocalizing er writterizing some general observations I have noticed in some people and sometimes even once in a great while, myself. Usually it cracks me up, but sometimes it annoys me. Cheers Dana!!
Sooooo ... you're not giving up names, are you? Fine! I guess I'll have to create my own drama ... which will be a challenge for me ... yeah ... I'm not buying that either!
Dana: Ha...Have at it. Cheers Dana!!
This really hurt my feelings Matt. Wait, no, I'm getting hurt confused with arousal and feelings confused with Dusty Springfield music. What was this post about again? Oh yeah, bitchin' and moanin' about people bitching and moaning. The drama gets old but without it some people would have no other reason to get up each day.
Knight: I know, I know, but I feel better now. And Dusty Springfield, Mmmmmmmm. One of THE sexiest voices evah!! Cheers Knight!!
Great post! I'm lucky, all my drama is in my head!!
Schmoop: Oy don't I know it!! You're still cute though. Cheers and Zoooves!!
Whoa! I come here to ESCAPE the REAL LIFE drama. I thought this was all pretend! Don't disillusion me like this! Aaaaeeeiiiiii!
Speak brother, speak! No truer words were ever spoken. You have one hellava eloquent vernacular. One day soon, when I get the time, I will visit your radio site. Cheers to you always Matt!!
Rat: It's all okay now...The danger has passed and as Pangloss would say, "All is Well." Cheers Hot Stuff!!
Bobby: Why thank you; that was incredibly nice of you to say. I hope you do stop by the show soon, and even call-in. When I'm sober, it's a blast!! Cheers BBG!!
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