Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Morning Coming Down

Matt-Man here…

We had a post-I’m With Stupid-party here at the digs last night and let me tell you something…

There is one thing with which a copious amount of Wild Irish Rose does not go well, and that would be a copious amount of beer, Taco Bell cuisine, and meatballs.

Oy Vay!!

When I get to work at 11 this morning, the first thing Ima gunna do, is down a huge ass bottle of Vitamin Water and then chug a NOS.

That is all I have the strength for this morning, so I leave you with the archived version of last night’s I’m With Stupid broadcast…

Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio

Please give it a listen just as I will after work tonight when I return home feeling somewhat human again. And, don’t forget…

Only eight more days until the world of social media and entertainment is forever changed.

Schmoop will be back here tomorrow with a post she typed last night at the height of the Bacchanalian festival that transpired here in the Bagwine digs.

It should make for an entertaining and incoherent read.



Dianne said...

it's not a party unless you can't function the next day

desert rat said...

Okay, so eight days... then that makes it... the 20th? Is that right? 'Cause I'm gonna put it on my calendar. Please confirm.

Schmoop said...

Di: I functioned. I didn't want to, but I did. Cheers Sexy!!

Rat: Yay!! You got the date correct. The big announcement is on Monday June 20th, and thanks again for listening. Cheers Adorable One!!