My brother, Party Marty, called Friday and asked if I would like to go golfing with him. Since he offered to pay, I said, “Hell Yeah!!” We got a cart, a cooler full of Miller Lite, and a box of 24 golf balls. Four hours and eighteen holes later, we had nine balls, no beer, and I had a atomic sunburn on my big bald head. I looked like a stocky, upside-down thermometer. When I got home I was so pained and drained, that I just had a couple of glugs of Rose and fell asleep on the couch.
Saturday morning, I was going to post an Inky and Lola cartoon, but when I turned on my computer I read an e-mail that stated the following:
Mr. Matt-Man,
We the undersigned, will no longer perform acts of frivolity for either you or your readers until we are fairly and duly compensated. Until you move beyond your Wal*Mart ways and acknowledge our worth to your site by compensating us, consider us on strike.
Inky and Lola
North American Stick Figures Union, Local VIII
I am all for compensating Inky and Lola, but I have one question. What the hell do you pay a stick figure? Also, if they demand health care, will I have to hire a tree surgeon? I’ll report back on the progress, but you can see what has been distracting me from my typical

On the upside of life, today is a big day here in Bagwine, Ohio. Today marks the birthdays of Schmoop’s brother Dave, my old girlfriend and finger flipper Sherri, and the one and only Bill Clinton.
Dave turns 54 today. The bastard doesn’t look like it, but he is indeed 54. In honor of his B-Day, we will watch baseball, eat food that isn’t good for us, and drink a good bit of alcohol. Cheers to you David.
Sherri turns
Lastly, we have the birthday of Bill Clinton. In his honor, I asked Schmoop to put on a blue dress and give me a blow job. She didn’t say yes or no, but I think by her putting a cigarette out on my forehead indicates that it won’t be happening. I guess I’ll just smoke a cigar.
So folks, that’s what has been going on in my life. I hope you have been enjoying your weekend. If you get a moment, please wish these three fine folks a Happy Birthday, and I'll try to catch up with you all. Cheers…
NOTE: Catch Turnbaby’s BlogTalk Radio Show Tonight at 8 EDT. For details, click HERE.
Oh you poor baby with the "red head". I hope you feel better soon. Rub some aloe vera on it.
Shit, inky and lola on strike?! The nerve of those two. Don't give in to their demands, Matt-Man! It's not worth it. You can make it without them! I'll still visit.
Before you go out into the sun again, try this...
you know what? Screw Inky and made them stars...Would you like to borrow my lawyers? We can sue their butts off (though it does not appear either has one.
Maybe they can have a threesome and let you watch.
Dude, ain't you ever heard of SUNBLOCK or HATS? Sheesh!
Screw Inky and Lola, ungrateful little shits. We can have Vinny's leg-breaking friend come up and visit them if need be, ya know.
Happy birthday Dave and Sherri. Bill I'm sure is doing enough celebrating without good wishes from paeans like us.
Guess Inky grew some balls after all ;-)
Thanks for pimping my show
Crazy: I'll hold firm and thanks!!
Metal: What an interesting concept. I may try it. Cheers!!
Bond: Thanks for the help, but I'll pass on the visual you just gave me.
Songbird: What's sunblock?
TB: Ha...Bada Bing, and you are more than welcome.
Happy Birthday to all!
sounds like you're having a fun weekend, don't worry about us lil ol' bloggers.
as for the sunburn? drink more til it goes away, ya won't feel a thing.
tell inky and lola if they don't knock it off you can turn them into something else. like a nice pile of firewood.
Lisa: Drink More!? I like how you think. As far as the firewood suggestion, I'll keep it in mind should we reach an impasse. Cheers!!
Happy b-day to the 3 amigos! I for one will have a few for them today!
Matt I have some bagbalm... need it aplied to your hot dome with my new improved funbags?
Cheesy: Rubbin your funbags against my head!!? Holy Crap, you'd think it was MY Birthday!! Cheers!!
Try a hat next time, my good man.
I suspect that Inky and Lola may be bluffing. As management, you should stand firm. And if they remain determined, break a pencil lead or two.
Accidentally of course. But they should get the point.
Uh....Matt. I ragged on your sunburn in my post today. SORRY! I couldn't resist. This is really funny. Have a happy happy Sunnnnday and birthday to Sherri!
Let me rephrase. Your sunburn is not funny. Your POST is funny.
Gee. I'm soooo confused.
I've been pretty shitty with making my blog rounds this past week...
Hope your sunburn is feeling better very soon :-)
Take care of that burn, soon you will have skin chunks the sizeof potato chips peeling off.
Poor old Bill, I bet he misses the days of spooging on his employees.
As far as Inky and Lola go....don't fall for it........'stick' it to them. Toothpicks.....we need toothpicks after those 'loose-meat' sammy's!
Have a good week and put some aloe vera on that burn!
I am impressed with the fact you still had nine balls left. Hope you had a great weekend.
Travis: I'll take a hard line if need be. Cheers!!
Mimi: Thanks Alot, and I'll be sure to come by today. Cheers!!
108: It happens doesnt it. Thanks its feeling better.
Hammer: My skin is peeling off faster than Bill's pants.
Matty: My head is getting better as we speak. Cheers!!
BD: Some balls are better than no balls. Hope you had a good one as well.
I have been craptastic at making the rounds very nearly all month. I plead back to school crap and back to back weekend trips to the mall.
It is frankly amazing I am not in jail. I HATE the mall.
Lola and Inky are on strike? Threaten to turn them into matches and strike their asses! say they have no asses? Hmmmm....
Julie: I am sympathetic to the labor movement, but I will draw a line if I have to...A magic maker line.
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