I have a plan to change things and reverse the dour national mood if elected President. I am going to turn the beat around, so that everyday is a celebration.
More on that later, but now let us turn our attention to that nascent Saturday tradition that we are finding that we can’t live without. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for the…
This week’s comment comes from Dana over at Amid Life’s Crises. Yesterday I was talking about our temperature being a mere 1 Degree F.
By using a blend of meteorology, personal fantasy, and philosophical underpinnings, she put things into perspective for all of us…
“At least you have ONE degree! We are 14 in the hole ... which might be fun if I weren't talking about the weather …”
Congratulations to Dana on not only being this week’s COW, but a great reviewer as well. I have used another of her comments to post in my blog review section on the upper right side of this site. This Land of Lincoln babe is on a roll.
Please stop by her Blog and give her some Bagwine lovin’. To go to her site, simply click HERE.
As I said in my opening, this country is in the doldrums. Oh sure, other Presidential candidates will offer tax cuts, secure borders, and promise to keep you safe from terrorists. Blah, blah, blah, and bite me. Four years later nothing will have changed.
Our country will still be in a funk…
Well, if I am elected I’ll turn our collective funk into a funky ball-bustin’ nationwide bash. It’ll be perpetual party time in America.
Our first soiree will be a Welcome Home party as soon as I enact Penis Interruptus on our Babylonian Blow Job, and bring our men and women home from Iraq.
So fire up the grills, tap the kegs, and crack open the top shelf liquor…It’s Party Time in America, Again. Enjoy the new ad…
I’m gonna be hangin’ with Ryno this morning, and after that enjoying a little Saturday afternoon libation with Schmoop here at the Bagwine digs.
I hope you enjoy your weekend. And I hope to see you all back here tomorrow for our Sunday Morning Church Disservice.
Good morning! I'm giggling and i don't even have the sleepies outta my eyes yet.
oh? Those aren't sleepies?
I am so honored - last week I touched the utter, and this week I can grope the entire COW!
I knew that swallowing would earn me bonus points eventually!
Julie: After you determine exactly what that stuff was let us know. Cheers!!
Dana: Dirty COW groper, you. And yes, the waste not, want not, thing was determining factor in my decision.
Make sure you post that major award on your site. Cheers!!
“It’s Time to Party, America”
The perfect campaign slogan. With that, Matt-Man, you might even have a chance of winning.
Congrats to Dana on the COW !!
BTW Matty - I know she has been lobbying hard for 1st lady duties... however a little birdie told me that she might settle for an "under secretary position" if it was offered....Just something to think about ;-)
Oh yeah - Love the new commercial... I think the "Don't vote for a national Buzzkill" would fit nicely on a bumper sticker
As you wish....
Nick: I think I have a shot Nick. Cheers!!
Doc: Dana could ask me for anything and it would be all hers. That would make a good bumper sticker. Cheers!!
Leighann: I love being your Saturday morning breakfast. Cheers!!
Great choice for the award...lol.
And hey, where's all the naked men?
(am I allowed to talk like that yet?, oops).
Odat: Alllllright. If I need to put a hot looking guy in my next in order to secure your vote I will. I thought me in the panties was enough. Cheers Odat and Peace!!
Odat has a point! if you can put hot looking guys in your ads (and a disco ball in every home) you've got my vote.
nevermind that you had my vote already.
Well, I'm not casting my vote without the naked men. I'm not that easy.
Cheap, yes. Easy? Never.
Oh, and I'll spit if I damn well want to. Ain't no man gonna tell this wench what to do, so THERE!
(Have fun with Ryno this AM. Too bad about his Cavs' loss last night *grin*.)
Wait! I thought Leighann was hoping to fill the "under secretary position" - and in a super hero costume at that! I can spread the ... ummmm ... wealth!
Goodie Morn to you and yours,,, have a faboo weekend and have a few sips of sumpin liquid and golden on the tongue for me! [and I don't mean schmoop] Alas I am headed to work to freeze my nards off... oh wait I dont have nards....
Oh and Congratz Dana! Mooooooooo
As Chief Of Staff For Campaign Promises, I heartily endorse this message...
Ladies and gentlemen...the bar is now open!
We have booked Frankie Fingers and the Bagwine Trio as entertainment for the victory ball and will have the Hooters Girls serving our special Streaming Friday Shots, made with a concoction of WIR and spam blended with ice.
ALL hail the Chief...
"It's Time To Party" is a much better theme than "It's Morning in America," cause not everybody is a morning person, but we all love to party.
LOL and Songbird--who says it's the guy's idea ;-)
Lisa: I always pegged you as a disco ball kinda girl. Cheers!!
Songbird: I never told anyone what to do. Some folks are just plain giving. Cheers!!
Dana: Great Idea. Having a half naked Wonder Woman running around the White House would be so...so...so AMERICAN. Cheers!!
Cheesy: Stay warm as best you can and don't let your girls get frostbite. Cheers!!
Bond: When did Frankie get out of prison? Cheers Vinny!!
Jay: You are soooo right, and such the patriot. Cheers to you my good man!!
TB: Ha...My point exactly. You Vixen, you. Cheers!!
Way to do the COW Dana!
I'm loving the idea of a big welcome home bash!
Have a good Saturday!
Metal: Same to you hot stuff. Enjoy. Cheers!!
"a free bridge to nowhere" - pure Matt-man genius.
***jumping on the "where's the hot nekkid guys?" bandwagon***
Mo: I do what I can...I knew you'd be chiming in on the sizzlin' stud bandwagon. Cheers!!
I think Dana is going to win next week too. Swallowing is a must. Bwahahahahah.
I love your new ad Matt-Man. Have fun with Ryno and have a great weekend. See you at church. :)
Sandee: Oooo, a swallower, you are so shagdelic. Thanks Sandee, and have a good one too. Cheers!!
Have a lovely Saturday, Matt-Man! :)
CrAzY: You too, Cheers!!
Now that's the kind of one party system I could get behind!
Have a great day with Ryno!
Travis: Day has been and gone. We watched a movie, had some food and then he was on to his own little disturbed 13 year old world. Cheers!!
Love the new ad, but...
"Let me see you
Stripped down to the bone...
Let me see you
Stripped down to the bone..."
Sanni: Even in your pre-natal state, I will follow your command. Cheers!!
Ok Matt as I am reliving 1982 with the latest commerical I was struck by how much you resemble Andy Warhol. Well if you stopped eating, did a lot of coke, whittled yourself downt to a pencil and purchased a Prince Valiant wig. So I am thinking your next national spot should REALLY get the party started and revisit the national party that was the 70's.
Cause face it, by the 80's we couldn't fuck without raincoats and the drugs were all about productivity. Not so hot, my friend, not so hot.
Besides I wanna be Nico.
Starr: Settle down. I will fund research that makes us immune to STDs and stupid people. Tell me that's not a worthy plan.
Cheers Baby, and say hi to the Guitar Hero Kidlet for me!!
I'd be glad to run around half naked in the Wonder Woman costume.
I'll be sure to always have a cigar handy. Wanna know where?
Leighann: No, I dont wanna know where, and you can't me make me tell you unless you strap me in your lasso of truth. ; ) Cheers!!
If you needed a hot looking guy for your spot, all you had to do was ask permission to use my picture.
Jeff: Why didn't I think of that? You da man. Cheers!!
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