Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturdays With Sarah: Ethically Challenged? You Betcha!!

It seems that Sarah “Lame and Tall” Palin and her husband, Todd “First Dud” Palin don’t like folk messin’ with their family members.

An Alaska legislative panel, in a report released late yesterday, found that Gov. Palin abused her power and violated a section of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.

Seems Palin’s husband, Todd-Boy, was running amok within the governor’s office using her advisers and other information in an attempt to get a state trooper, Mike Wooten, fired.

The state tropper in question was engaged in a bitter divorce with Gov. Palin’s sister.

Enter, Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan.

He was fired by Gov. Palin “over a budget issue”. The investigation found that a major contributing factor in Monegan’s termination was his failing to fire the aforementioned Mike Wooten.

I quote from Matt Apuzzo of the Associated Press:

Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the chief investigator of an Alaska legislative panel concluded Friday. .

Investigator Stephen Branchflower, in a report by a bipartisan panel that investigated the matter, found Palin in violation of a state ethics law that prohibits public officials from using their office for personal gain…

The investigation revealed that Palin's husband, Todd, has extraordinary access to the governor's office and her closest advisers. He used that access to try to get trooper Mike Wooten fired, the report found.

Branchflower faulted Sarah Palin for taking no action to stop that. He also noted there is evidence the governor herself participated in the effort.

What does this all mean? Two things...

Number one, it means that next week the Palin/McCain ticket will be calling Obama a gay, Kenyan Nazi terrorist who eats babies, steals from his grandmother, and wipes his ass with pictures of the Holy Baby Jeebus.

And number two?…Sarah Palin is indeed a maverick. After all, mavericks don’t follow the rules, right?

You Betcha!!

Lastly, before I spend the day catching up with all of you fine folks…

Real Live Lesbian, the sultry southern babe that turns me on every day, turned me onto something else...

A site where my Presidential campaign is the "lead story."

I couldn’t embed it, but click on the link below and have a laugh...It's a short video.

It takes a second or two to load but wait, and then hit the play button. Click HERE to view. Thanks Hot Stuff!!

Have a great Saturday, all.



Cinnamon Girl said...


Kharma is indeed a bitch. And did you hear that William F Buckley's son endorsed Obama?! Hell froze over and Alaska (or at least some of it's citizens) are feelin the heat.

And calling it a partisan led effort by Obama. Um unless there is a buckle in the space time continuum that investigations started before she was nominated. Proof that McCain did NOT vet her and figured one vagina was as good as another.

Schmoop said...

Starr: To keep the post brief, I didn't bring McCain into this. But, he didn't do anymore than Google her name and image.

The Palin/McCain ticket is already saying that she didn't do anything illegal. Lawfullness and ethics are two different things.

And yes, the State Senate President in Alaska (from Wasilla actually) is of course, an Obama supporter. Oy Vay. I hate those, Democratic-Republican partisans. Cheers!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Is the State senate President endorsing Obama? Cause Lyda Green is a republican ;)

Schmoop said...

Starr: Not as far as I know. Lyda Green? That sounds like a shade of a Crayola!! Cheers!!

Willie G said...

Awesome video. Of course I stole it. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Mr. Matt-Man.

Schmoop said...

Willie: Ha. Steal all you'd like. Have a great weekend, Willie. Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

Wow... Politics in Dutchyland is so boring... not sure yet whether that is a good or a bad thing, but definetely boring...

Anonymous said...

CNN is already reporting that she did not break any laws. The Governer can fire anyone anytime by law.
Don't quote ME, you should know that by now.
You can quote my opinion of Sarah McPalin. I'll do anything, say almost anything to advance my time in the spotlight.

The video is a hoot. I was sooo waiting to see your face in it.

Lu' said...

The picture of Sarah is funny. That old woman must have seen me getting my tattoo and got the same thing damn it. Oh well it's all for a good cause, to get Matt-Man in the oral orifice.

Schmoop said...

Lu: Ha. Good Morning, Tatoo Lu. There will always be a place fot you in my Oral Office. Cheers Lu!!

Dana said...

What does this all mean?

It means she's just like every other politician!

And Matt, I'm surprised you didn't post that although the panel found she abused power, they also found she did NOTHING illegal. She's not a crook, just a bit immoral *wink*

Schmoop said...

Dana: Most politicians are actually pretty good people, we just hear about the bad ones. Those are the ones that make headlines.

And, Mizz Thang, ; ) I think you'll find that I did mention to Micky in the comments that there was nothing illegal. As my title indicates, she is merely ethically challenged.

With that being said, one last thing...Why dontcha just shut up and kiss me...Please!?

Cheers Sexy!!

Desert Songbird said...

Don't you love how the same paint brush can be used, but a different color can be seen, depending on whether it swipes over a Democrat or glides over a Republican? Talk about moral flexibility.

Love the video, darlin'. I always knew your popularity would take on a swell.

Schmoop said...

Songbird: And let me tell you, I am sooo swellin' right now. I think it's funny, party aside, people throw shit out there and it always comes back to bite them on the ass. Boy, don't I know that. Cheers Dear!!

CreativeMish said...

I work with Mike Wooten's sister. Its sad how political gain affects so many families.

Schmoop said...

Michelle: Wow...That's interesting. What the heck does she think about all of this? Cheers Michelle!!

Cheesy said...

Woooooo Hooooo a Matt-man Tramp Stamp!

The world is now a better place~

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

See now you learn something every day... I never ever knew your last name was BITCH

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Nothing illegal...abuse your power...let your house bastard run amok in your offices...smear a man's name...

Nope nothing illegal...and I hear Dick Cheney now wants to marry her since they are so much alike!

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Ha. When you have the same tatoo in the same place I will have known that I have "made it". Cheers Cheesy!!

Bond: In order to keep at bay any anti-Irish voter sentiment I changed my name. It's actually O'Bitch. Cheers Vinny!!

Mike Golch said...

the republican party leadefs are all mavericks and not playing by the rules they have so many negitive ads compaired to the democrats and they the reps have the adusity to say the dems are running a negitive campainge?

Cheesy said...

Maybe I do......

Travis Cody said...

One wonders how the question of judgment will be handled during the final debate. Where is Senator McCain's credibility to question Senator Obama's judgment now that we see McCain's questionable judgment in choosing as a running mate a person of questionable ethicals.


Marilyn said...

I have to say that this one has me seeing red. They have the nerve to question Obama about character issues?

Marilyn said...

Oh... the burgers were a hit. Should I keep the recipe to myself or post it with the picture?

leelee said...

Oh that video was wonderful...I just knew this election cycle would be worthwhile.


I saw some interesting photos of Juneau..dId you know that there is an Obama yard sign on the Alaska Gov's Mansion?


Real Live Lesbian said...

Will you please be the first one to slap my Matt, Man Bitch 2008 tramp stamp?

Schmoop said...

Mike: It's incredible. But alas, that's the way roll in this country. Cheers!!

Cheesy: Rowwwrrrrrrrrr. Cheers!!

Travis: I would jump all over the point you just made. But alas, Obama unfortunately, is running a prevent defense. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Marilyn: Exactly. And I'm glad the burgers were a hit. Post away!! Cheers Marilyn!!

RLL: I'll not only slap it, I'll lick it. Cheers and thanks again!!

Schmoop said...

Leelee: Oops, I passed you over...I mean I'd love to physically pass over you, but not omit you. Cheers Cutie!!

Liz Hill said...

Awesome! Now I don't have to ponder my first tat!

And @ Dana--oh my--are our standards that low???

leelee said...

as long as you get to me at some point
..I am a patient woman..


As American as Apple Pie said...

"Coming up front behind", eh Matt? I like the behind...

Schmoop said...

TB: My name would look soooo hot on your lower back. Cheers TB!!

Leelee: And as we know, patience is a virtue. Cheers!!

Apple: Ha. That was the perfect line. Rowwrrrrr. Cheers Apple!!