Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Morning Church Disservice: Jeebus Loves Me, This I Know

And now, on this third Sunday of Lent and because I am incredibly hungover, a word from my special friend, Jeebus...

Hi gang, and may my dad be with your asses. I looooove the Matt-Man. So much so, that I don't consider him to be my 13th Disciple...

I consider myself his Number One Disciple. I am looking out for him all of the time.

During Lent as he gives up meat and eats foods rich in fiber, some of his darkest and most painful times are spent on the toilet. I am there for him when he sits upon the throne.

Schmoop may not see God when she has sex with the Matt-Man, but when she wants to get her freak on with him, there's a good chance she'll see me!!

Matt-Man is a devout heterosexual indeed, but I spend time with others in his house that are, shall we say, of ambigous sexual orientation...

At all times, I can be seen, felt, and heard hovering just above Matt-Man's right shoulder. I am one ubiquitous mo-foe.

See this light in the corner of the Bagwine digs. Just a simple light you say? You're not looking closely enough...

Oh, I forgot...Turn on the damn thing, and watch the messianic magic happen...

I am the Light and the Way, Bitches!! Hahahahahaha and Boo Yah. Let's now listen to a little Don McLean.

And remember, Jeebus Loves You!!

Lastly before I go to work eight hours in the beer mines, I'd like to wish Jeff from A Word in Edgewise, a Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday funny man.

And to all of you...



Desert Songbird said...

You're nearly there, Kyle.

Love, Amber

Desert Songbird said...

You need to give me a call this week; I have a great Kyle and Amber story of my own to tell.

An embroidered jacket, huh? Yeah, that's so "cool."

Dork. Poseur.


Schmoop said...

Songbird: I shall do just that. He'll be in two or three times today. For someone who has never LOOKED for a job let alone had one, the little boy has 80 cents for a blunt wrap. Cheers!!

Cheesy said...

Ok am I missing something? Who the hell is Kyle.. or Amber for that matter?

Happy BD Jeff...Have a merry birfday!

Waking away -enjoyed the post but I wonder why I read the comments this early....

Cheesy said...

Walking away too... I need a java~~so do my fingers.

snugs said...

Kyle and Amber, am I on the wrong blog ir just incredibly hung over?

Jeff B said...

Only Don McLean could take eleven words and stretch them out for nearly five minutes. Not sure if I should raise my hands in a mighty hallelujah or ram a couple of knitting needles in my ears now.

Thanks for the birthday shout out!

katherine. said...

everyone needs a little Jesus in their life....

Cinnamon Girl said...

Of all the Matt Facts I have gleaned over the years, the fact that Jeebus lives in your fly is the most disturbing. Truly :P

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Kyle is a lil dip who comes to the Drive-Thru. I think you're fine. Cheers!!

Snugs: Nop...You're at the right place. Hungover or not, you're always welcome in Jeebus' house. Cheers Snugs!!

Jeff: Ha. Good Point. You're welcome, and I hope you are having a good day. Cheers Jeff!!

Schmoop said...

Kat: Indeed. And in their pants as well. Cheers Kat!!

Starr: Ha. Well if you come out this way, stop by. I'll drop my pants and we'll have a church service. Cheers!!