See that picture? It is currently, prominently displayed on top of a potato chip rack for all the customers to see.
As some of you may know, I’ve been pimped out by my local, alcohol drive thru establishment.
I am getting many looks, but so far no profit. WTF? This is for charity!!
Ok the charity is the owner, Drive-By Mikey, but hey, I’m sure I teased him enough thru school to warrant this money? Huh? Throw a bitch a bone!
What do I have to do to get some fucking money from these Drive-Thru degenerates?
Get some alcohol, some smokes, tip your attendant, and put some cash toward my boobs. Geez, it isn’t that hard.
Drive-By Mikey did try to get me to put money in the jar today. For my own effin picture! I had no say so in this, why should I pony up money??
So everyone come to Bagwine, and give to this wonderful charity. I would be most grateful. Not that grateful, you sickos! I didn’t mean you Jay!! Wear the Viking helmet!! Wink, wink!
Anyhoo, I am now off four days in a row, and the Matt Man is off for THREE, count them THREE days in a row. Oh dear Lord help me!
Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen. Or something like that. I am NOT a sinner! I’m just portrayed that way! Just ask my Ma! Of course she still thinks I’m seven.
I guess this turned into a Stream of Consciousness Thursday kind of thing. So sorry.
I’m thinking about getting my hair cut this week, back to the short cut. What do you think of that?
Can’t show you the longer version, as I can’t operate the camera, but let’s just say…Trying to let it grow out is pissing me off!
I look much hotter in that red, short nightie than Matt Man ever dreamed he could be.
He’s always trying to out do me in the adorable department! No can do M-Man, I AM the cutest!!
And, just as with trying to show you all my longer hair, if I could operate that fucking camera, I’d show you how hot I look in that nightie.
Maybe I’ll get Matt-Man to take some pictures of me in it while we’re off together the next three days.
It’s the least he can do in exchange for getting Drive-By Mikey to post my boobs at the Drive-Thru…
Not to mention in exchange for pawing me and sucking
Aaaaaaugh!! Motherfucker!! The damn camera flash just went off two inches from my face!!
I am blind. Blind I say…Hey, what’s for dinner?
Heheheh send him fishing!
#1 you need an agent and thankfully I am available and can help with your deserved royalties/commissions on the unauthorized use of your pictures.
#2 have not seen the long, but love the short, get it cut!
#3 in grain in his under developed brain that YOU get to be the pretty one,YOU will always be the pretty one, him wearing your nightie does not knock you from the pretty one pedestal.
Cheesy: I'll send him somewhere, that's for sure!
Snugs: You're right, I do need an agent, thank you! I'll probably get it cut, I'm tired of looking like the 5th Beatle! Thanks for the pretty comment, I just wish he would stop trying to compete!
Wow...I believe this is the first time that you have ever even remotely complained about me pawing and sucking you. Have you lost that lovin' feelin'? Cheers!!
Matt: Oh, I'm not complaining...really, honest!! Zoves!
...beef, they say, is "what's for dinner"...
Once you get past the "Gawd, this hair is pissing me off" stage growing it out gets pretty easy. I went from very short to 3/4s of the way down my back in 3 years. Hint to make it grow faster: prenatal vitamins. Weird but works.
Phfrankie: Ha! Perfect! Actually though, it's hoagies!
Michele: Oh I know, it's just that it's hanging in my face! I wish I could take vitamins, but I can't swallow pills. Sucks!
Schmoop you my dear are a joy :) Thanks.
letting my hair grow out too URGHHHHHH! I will not cut! Just keep telling yourself that, I do.
Lu: Well thank you my dear! I do keep telling myself that, right now, it no worky! I may come home this morning from running errands, with it cut!
Please remind Snugs that I am already your agent. Thank you.
And, as your agent I think it is my job to come up there and teach you how to use the camera. You might be surprised to find out it works best if you're nekkid. Weird, but true.
Would your agent lie to you? I don't think so. ;-)
Jay: You are correct sir! As my agent you will get a percentage of all the money we make. I trust you implicitly! Nekkid huh? Well if you say so! Can I wear the Viking helmet? Zoves!!!
Yes, you can wear the Viking Helmet. I let very few people wear the Viking Helmet, and surprisingly enough, they're all hot. ;-)
uhm, well if Jay is already your agent he sucks at makig you good deals. Isn't he more Matt's type than yours if you know what I mean..I'm just saying..
Jay: Thank you honey, I will wear it with pride!!
Snugs: Actually Jay is just my type, loveable, and the best, just like Matty.
I think you should be charging Matty for the use of your boobs and boobie images.
What....the flash went off?
That must mean you didn't tell us you were exposing something.
You taking pictures of your wooo-haa too?
You're right about Matt-Man in your nightie. Red is definitely not his color.
Songbird: Oh I do charge him, and I'm about to charge him right now! And he always pays in full. Purrrrr.
Mick: The only thing that I exposed was my ineptness in entering the 21s Century.
Bond: Only inn your dreams. Have a good weekend Vinny.
Fantasy: I'm glad someone other than me said that, because he thinks everything looks good on him.
everyone who works there should be paying you each day for being able to gaze upon your loveliness...
please don't post that photo of mateo again...please...
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