And lately, how could I not think of Him in terms of the proposed Islamic Cultural Center/Mosque near ground zero?
Some folks believe that the proposed Cultural Center should not be built. Some say it should be further away.
I have heard the argument, that unless Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations permit churches and synagogues in their country, why should we allow the building of this proposed mosque, cultural center, Muslim YMCA, whatever?
If that's a problem, I say let's not buy oil from Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf countries....Ha Ha Ha Ha..kidding, of course...that's crazy talk!!
I have also heard that the dirty Muslims and the Imam in question, should compromise and move their and specifically, his, proposed building further away from “Ground Zero”.When I think about this conundrum and possible compromises, I think…What Would Jesus Do?
Jesus would never back down, no matter how much shit he got.
He would continue to cure the blind. He would resurrect Lazarus. He would say…
“Persecute me all you want, and kill me while you're at it; I shall not perish.”
The building of this Islamic Center “at ground zero” has taken on more ugliness that it ever should have, but the ugliness is there.
And, while it is here, let me say something…
If Jesus Christ came to New York City or Anywhere, USA today, and wanted to build a Church?
He would say…
“If sinners are congregations, I am going to have the largest following ever…Unless, they want to listen to my message.”
From wikipedia article - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrim_(Plymouth_Colony)
"Under the 1559 Act of Uniformity, it was illegal not to attend official Church of England services"
I'll bet if we tried to get this passed into law the focus of these crazies would change in a heart beat.
Too deep, too early for me.
Mike: While freedom of and from religion is a cornerstone of our country, people forget that religious persecution and intolerence flourished in this land while being settled. You know, like today. Cheers Mike!!
Jay: I agree. I throw things at my TV or radio when I hear that argument. And yeah, if Jesus came back today, he'd be a dead man walking...unless he could get corporate sponsorship. Cheers Jay!!
Raquel: HA. No worries. Unless something out of the norm happens I have done my last mosque post. Cheers Roc!!
I am so sick of hearing about this bullshit on the news! I agree with everything you said. I'd also like to add the Glenn Beck need dirt sleep!
Schmoop: I say we go there and build it ourselves.
After construction, we'll dedicate it by having hot, sweaty, monkey sex on the floor.
I'll stick my glistening obelisk into your wet, wailing walls and we'll say,
"Praise Allah, Praise Jeebus, Pray to Whomever you Want!! This is some good shit right here. Boy Howdy!!"
Was that over the top?
Cheers and Zoooooves Schmoop!!
Ha! No you crazy man, I liked it!!
Schmoop: Ha. Well then, pencil it in. A year from now the mosque will go up in NYC and I'll be going down on you.
Of course, I could do that tonight too..just sayin'.
Cheers and Zooooves, Schmoop!!
...Jesus is just alright with me...
P-Man: Ha.. I say that and sing that often. Cheers P-Man!!
All this says to me is that we are still very spiritually immature. I have a two step process for this that cures it all.
Step 1: Please realize that Religion differs from Sprituality and that Religion is a crock of shit!
Step 2: Realize that there are some things that make us all the same. We laugh the same, we cry the same, we bleed the same, we die the same.
We should be embracing our similarities instead of justifying our differences....
Joker: Well said Joker, but I must disagree on one thing.
We do not all laugh the same. Comedy is hard work because of that. Cheers Joker!!
Isn't it incredibly ironic that this same group of muslims have been meeting and operating in that area for 30+ years but suddenly, when they can own a building instead of renting one, all kinds of crazy is raining down.
I despise the people who make that Saudi Arabia argument - Why must we lower ourselves to such a level out of vindictivness? If they didn't have all that oil, who would care what they do?
David: If the Saudis didn't have oil, all they would have is a bunch of guys who had sand and no chance in Hell of getting laid. Cheers David!!
The whole exageration of the hate and efforts to divide is not an honorable issue. It is a way to get people who want to hate and are full of self-righteousness cover for their biggotry.
This planet is such a beautiful place, everything in it, and I mean every molecule and atom lives in complete harmony. The only thing that has the ability to fuck it all up is the "mind" of man.
And I think were doing a pretty good job of it, fucking it up!
I am bothered by the tit-for-tat mentality I see so much of these days - the "I'll do for you as long as there is something in it for me" attitude - the "You are not worthy of my time and energy" thought process.
What ever happened to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do?
Off track ... and off my soapbox as well!
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