The Packers won the Super Bowl. I had a birthday and got drunk. Egyptians, using a play from the Jewish playbook, freed themselves from bondage.
That about sums things up. You’re welcome.
And now a pretty picture of Brooklyn Decker naked…

Ryno did have a basketball game last night and the ECA Lions roared to victory:
MIAMI VALLEY (44) — Robinson 1 0-0 3, C. Roe 4 0-0 11, Lemon 1 0-2 2, Benedict 2 3-4 8, Makiewicz 3 5-7 12, B. Watson 2 2-4 8. Totals: 13 10-17 44.
EMMANUEL CHRISTIAN (52) — D. Stroder 0 0-1 0, R. Mahoney 2 1-2 7, J. Klawer 2 0-2 5, K. Stewart 3 2-4 8, E. Aikens 1 0-0 2, J. Reep 4 5-7 13, A. Stumpf 1 1-2 3, M. Scott 6 2-4 14. Totals: 19 11-22 52.
3-pointers: Miami Valley 8 ( Robinson 1, C. Roe 3, Benedict 1, Makiewicz 1, B. Watson 2); Emmanuel Christian 3 (R. Mahoney 2, J. Klawer 1).
My little sophomore had a good game. I leave right after the game so that by the time Ryno gets out of the building, he can call me.
It puts a smile on my face to hear the smile on his over the phone after a game like that. The Lions have another one tonight, so here’s to a good game boys.
That’s all I got. That’s all there is. There isn’t any more.
Have a wonderful weekend. I will, because we will be in the 40’s by tomorrow. Praise Jeebus!!
Winning is so much more fun than losing.
And Brooklyn Decker is okay I guess. If you like that type. heheh
Excellent win! Ya gotta be proud of your sprog.
Still cleaning pond. Starting to hate pond. Fantasize about putting little tiny cement shoes on the fish, only (a) they have no feet, and (b) they wouldn't drown, anyway. Complete waste of good cement.
>>>today I shall be busy
After seeing the pic of Ms Decker, although not technically nekkid, I think we all have a pretty good idea of what you will be busy doing.
Congrats to Ryno and happy Saturday to our Matt-Man.
We had 50's here today. The snow and ice are melting so fast you could almost convince a republican that global warming could happen.
Jay: I know what you mean. I'd like her more if she was a bit prettier. Cheers Jay!!
Rat: You could always net them up and cook them. Cheers Gorgeous!!
David: Why thank ya David, but actually I spent the day plotting the demise of the world as we know it. Cheers David!!
Mike: We will be in the 50's this week. We may even hit 60 Friday. Bring on the Global Warming. Cheers Mike!!
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