This shall be a brief post, however, every time I say that, it never is…oh well.
Jayman and I put on one helluva good trash Valentine's Day show on I’m With Stupid last night. Okay, it was pretty good, maybe not great, but well…yeah, it was pretty damn good.
If you missed it, you can listen to it by listening on the handy dandy BTR radio thingy:
I and I’m sure Jayman as well would like to thank Dana for calling in at the onset in case we had no callers.
Dana was this week’s hired hand to provide an opposite view to our caustic outlook on life. Her check is already in the mail, however, I forgot to sign it, so it’s worthless.
I guess Dana, can consider the unsigned check, a teachable moment.
On the downside, something happened prior and during the show that is very unfortunate.

He forgot that it is an intern’s job to keep the co-host (in this case me) sober during the show. Knocking on my studio door and showing up with a bottle of Captain Morgan minutes before the show is not conducive to that.
While I appreciate, his professionalism in keeping my glass full during the show, I think at the very least, a slap on the wrist is in order.
Anyhoo…give the show a listen.
It’s only 30 minutes or so long, and yes, I know, those are 30 minutes of your life you’ll never get back, but seriously what else we‘re you going to do? Uh-huh, thought so.
Other than that, I want to thank my smokin’ hot friend Rat for the incredibly nice B-Day card she sent me.
Only through the hard work and dedication of the United States Postal Service did it take a mere 11 days to get here.
When it did get here yesterday, I rubbed it all over my crotch. And…It felt good. Seriously though, thanks Rat; it was sweet as always.
I have dug a certain reader for a lonnnnng time, but lately, and I don’t know why, I have her on my mind…

Have a great weekend all, and as always…
Do I need to serve as a warning to all of these readers who are sending in the naked photos??
Dana: You know what's odd? We have to pay people to listen and call in, but chicks send us I'm with Stupid tit shots free. How weird. Thanks again Dana. Cheers!!
Hey, wait a minute, I thought I was getting paid!
Rat: You will be in a week or two. I promise. Cheers and Thanks again Lovely One!!
And now, That certain reader is on MY mind!
Aw shucks! You made my day! It's nice to know someone is thinking of you, unless of course they're thinking of ways to rid the world of you...
Jay: In a word, "HOT". Cheers Jay!!
Chick: Nevah. I dig ya. Cheers Hot Stuff!!
I'm glad you put that head shot and body shot way far apart.
Mike: Ha. Good One!! Cheers Mike and thanks to you and Mrs. Mike for chiming in last night!!
I was almost laughing my nearly non-existent ass off as the show was so funny. I've missed some but I think it was the best I've heard.
And now to give Matt-Man a reason to torment me while I pretend to be supportive, since Little Jimmy Stewart was misbehaving, I am ready and willing to get my leather belt and find some leather daddy's paddle and show up to educate to speak. :-)
Anyhoo, it was a fun show.
I was almost laughing my nearly non-existent ass off as the show was so funny. I've missed some but I think it was the best I've heard.
And now to give Matt-Man a reason to torment me while I pretend to be supportive, since Little Jimmy Stewart was misbehaving, I am ready and willing to get my leather belt and find some leather daddy's paddle and show up to educate to speak. :-)
Anyhoo, it was a fun show.
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