It’s time for I’m With Stupid at 11 PM EST on Blog Talk Radio tonight, and tonight?
It’s gonna be all about WINNING, fueling up our F-18’s and strafing in our underwear with Charlie Sheen.
I’m all jacked up about this installment of IWS because I’m on a drug, and that drug is called I’m With Stupid!!

If you think I am kidding, just tweet me, and I’ll show you what vice you need to choose.
And let me tell you, Jayman ain’t takin’ any shit off of the President of CBS, Les Moonves either.
Jay is ready to rock and roll. I know him…everyone thinks he’s Mister Nice Guy, but Jay is a raging beast when somebody gets his ire up!!
I spend two hours on the phone with him every Tuesday. That boy gets revved up, and Jay usually ends up screaming at me like I’m a bad Catholic boy and he’s the nun!!
Trust me…
Sister Jay can bring the ruler to the knuckles like nobody’s business. I’m just thankful he doesn’t exhibit the propensities of a Priest!!
It’s going to be a great show tonight, so I hope you all drop into the chat room, listen, and/or call in at 661.244.9852 and let us know about your favorite celebrity train wrecks.
In addition to Jay, Charlie, and myself…Kim Fragile will be live from the Betty Ford Center and Marty Martenstein will be chiming in from Charlie Sheen’s house.

We’re All Charlie Sheen, on I’m With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio at 11 PM EST …
C’mon join in; it’s going to be fun, and the best thing is, it’ll take some heat off of me from Jay.
Until tonight, when I see you on the radio…
I'm getting a little worried about Marty. He still hasn't check in and you know how easily people fall under Charlie Sheen's spell!
Anyway, it's gonna be a HUGE show this week. If not? God help you. hahaha
Jay: Ha...I'm sure Marty will make it, if not, we'll be fine. Cheers Jay!!
You and Jay post a Charlie Sheen headline 4 minutes apart. I think you two have been hanging out a little toooooo much.
Mike: One cannot hang out with Jay too much. It's just not possible. Cheers Mike!!
This show is going to be epic Mahone! You guys rock! Too bad I'll be in bed three hours before it starts;)
Schmoop: Ha. Damn Right, Schmoop!! We are going to be the straw that stirs BTR's drink tonight. Cheers and Zooooves!!
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