Friday, March 13, 2009

Schmoop Takin' Up The Slack...

I have got nothing and I'm spent so I asked Schmoop to step up for me. She agreed.

Of course, I owe her now, but nonetheless.

I have seen this "What's Your Man Do?" meme going around, so I asked her to do it for me.

She acquiesced, and here are the results. Be bored all you want...I'm going to go to sleep.

1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?

News, Sports, Seinfeld, and once again, News. He's a real live wire, no?

2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

Bleu Cheese…Gack Me!! It’s liquefied mold, people!!

3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?

Pork Chops and Ribs. Any other piece of the pig is fine with him, but noooooo…What is he stupid?

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?

Sam Adams and/or a 7-and-7...not necessarily in that order.

5. Where did he go to high school?

That God awful Springfield North High School. Obviously I went to South.

6. What size shoe does he wear?

12...Need I say more? ; )~

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?

He doesn’t collect now, but when he was younger he had a huge, beer can collection. Can you say, “foreshadowing”? Nowadays, he just collects dust.

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?!

Baloney, Cottage Cheese, and Cheetos on white bread…No , I’m not kidding. WTF?

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?

Me…And he does. And I love him for it.

10. What is his favorite cereal?

Lucky Charms. Uh-huh.

11. What would he never wear?

Pajamas…He longs to be unfettered...yes, thank you for your sympathies.

12. What is his favorite sports team?

The Notre Dame Fighting Irish…I love them too.

13. Whom did he vote for?

Himself…But seriously Obama, although he was a Hillary fan after Joe Biden dropped out of the primary...Man, he loves losers. Wait a minute..?

14. Who is his best friend?

Me….Grudgingly. And his damn kid.

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?

Wow…It could be a million things. I’ll go with being afraid of life.

16. What is his heritage?

Mostly Irish, a little German, and a whole lotta moron. ; )

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?

White on White…he‘s so fucking boring. But’s cake, right?

18. Did he play sports in high school?

Yes football…He played Tigh
t End. He still has one...Prior to that, he was really good at baseball, but his arm went to shit. He’s such a Mary. Suck it up, Matt-Man!!

19. What could he spend hours doing?

See Number Nine

20. What is one unique talent he has?

See NUMBER NINE, Dammit!! Are you guys blind!!?

Wasn't that fun? Okay, maybe not, but damn, it's nice to have a break from blogging. Thanks Schmoop!!



Michele said...

OMG! Matt, your choice of sandwich is just disgusting. That is a combo that should not be put together.

Schmoop you are too funny. "collecting dust" I'm still laughing.

Desert Songbird said...

That sandwich speaks to where you live. Midwesterners eat some weird shit; I know. My hubby gives me grief about some of the things I like to concoct for myself. Whatever. I haven't had a good fried bologna sandwich on Wonder Bread in years! And mustard only, please.

Tight end, huh?

Jay said...

I'm going to pretend that I never heard of that sandwich.

And I wear size 13 or 13 1/2. I'm just sayin'. :-)

Jeff B said...

I'd ask what you and Schmoop are doing right now, but I did read #9

Anonymous said...

Well that sandwich explains some things, Mattman, though I must admit a perverse impulse to take note and replicate...

Schmoop, you are hilarious!

Schmoop said...

Michele: Yeah, I know it sounds bad but it is Yum-Oh. I like it as much as loosemet. Cheers Michele!!

Songbird: Mmmmmmmmm. Fried Baloney is da bomb. I will make one as soon as Easter gets here. Cheers!!

Jay: Always out doing me aren't ya? How can I compete with a man who has a Viking Helmet? Cheers Jay!!

Schmoop said...

Jeff: Ha. Very good, Jeff. Unfortunately, I think we're both too hungover right now to do anything. Cheers!!

Hope: You should try it at least once. And please...Don't encourage her. Cheers Sexy!!

Lu' said...

Matt-man your woman has talent :)

Schmoop said...

Lu: She can be quite amusing. I mean, when she's not beating me and torturing me with hurtful words of her loathing of me. Cheers Lu!!

snugs said...

I am almost afraid to ask what loosemeat is?

Schmoop said...

Snugs: What's Loosemeat? Only the most delicious hot sandwich you will ever have. And no one makes it like I do. I'll have to repost the recipe again soon. Cheers Snugs!!

Dianne said...

Schmoop kept saying "see #9" - where's the vlog!!

I get it about chops and ribs, they're annoying to eat - bacon is a finger food

Schmoop said...

Dianne: The Vlog? Unlike me, Schmoop has a line she won't cross as far as blogging goes. Such a prude.

And yes, those things are annoying to eat. Bacon on the other hand, is tasty, greasy, and oh so accessible. Cheers Di!!

Anonymous said...

He’s such a Mary. Suck it up, Matt-Man!!

I peed my pants!!!!

Schmoop sounds like the Beatles...Number 9, number 9, number 9.... My face hurts from laughing so hard!!

Schmoop said...

Metal: Ha. We have already decided that that particular act will from now on be referred to as, "Number Nine".

Now straighten out your face and clean up your mess. Cheers!!

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...Schmoop gonna write for Conan O'Brian now?...LMFAO @ metalmom!!!...

Schmoop said...

Phfrankie: She is quietly very funny most days. If she had a modicum of self-confidence she would be unstopable. And please, Metalmom needs no more ego stroking.

Although it would be fun to stroke her "ego". Cheers P-Man!!

Cheesy said...

So as for #1 I take it he had the remote on scan?

Loved the post... now resume #9~~

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: I must admit...I am addicted to news/cable talk shows that focus on politics. Right or Left leaning makes no matter to me.

As soon as the hangovers pass, we shall pull a Number 9 once again. Cheers Cheesy!!

Nicole said...

Sounds to me that Schmoop has decided that good sex (which she is probably over describeing) is better then being with a good person.

Schmoop said...

Nicole: I don't know what planet you're living on, but when you look down upon Earth, make fun of me all you want, but leave Schmoop alone, asshole. Cheers!!

Beth said...

Nicole: Suck it bitch! I am incapable of exaggerating something this awesome! And by the way, he is a wonderful person, for reals! Eff off.

Schmoop said...

Schmoop: Why thank you dear. Can we eff off together after work tonight? Cheers and Zooooves!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Bwahahahahahahahahaahahaa this was great....I will not even think of that sandwich - you sicko....but yummo for fried bologna....

I suggest we all totally ignore that whiny little pi**-ant that continues to come over here and try to annoy you...the LOSER needs to go away...

Schmoop said...

Bond: Fried Baloney RAWKS!! As for Nicole...

I find her amusing. She's like a Circus performer. An elephant with a cute skirt. Cheers Vinny!!

Lu' said...

I loooove ya bud but Schmoop is entitled to torture you a little as pay back for your reference to her Aunt Flo in all her gorey uh I meant glory for blog fodder. I'm sure she doesn't hurt the good parts anyway :)

Ken said...

So where does Schmoop put all that slack? That's what I want to know!
Can you imagine, without barfing, the smug smirk Nicole must have on her face when she hits publish your comment? It really is a tad sad I think!

Lu' said...

I read the comments after posting mine as usual so I'd like to add, Nicole back the fuck off Schmoop. She has a good man, can she help it if she also is one lucky hot babe to have good sex too!!! No doubt your life is as empty as the shelf you display :(

Anonymous said...

Ugh, that sandwich sounds horrible! But maybe that's just cause I don't like meat. Great meme, Schmoop! You rawk!!!

Schmoop said...

Lu: Ha. Ouch. But quite well said. I dig that. Cheers Pal!!

Giggle: It is a taste treat that can't be beat. Cheers GP!!

Ken said...

Sooooo, where does all the slack go.

It's rare of you to miss comments.....but alas , sometimes bagwine rules!!!!!!

Schmoop said...

Micky: Wow...I did miss ya. I feel so inadequate. I don't know where the slack goes. She's a woman of mystery. Cheers Mick!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Ahh Schmoop, you have made Matt so multi-layered. The sandwich - WTF Matt. You were gonna give me shit about my toes, that sandwich is a WMD. The gathering of dust. And your saving grace of #9.

Oh and Nicole? Schmoop's left tit has a better grasp of human nature than your itty wittle brain does.

katherine. said...

that schmoop...she must be magically delicious....

humming "Love Potion No. 9"

Schmoop said...

Starr: Ha. It is really good. Poor ol Nicole. She evidently simply hates life. Cheers Starr!!

Kat: Ha. Have a lovely weekend sport. Cheers Kat!!