Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gimme The Schmoop, The Whole Schmoop, And Nothing But The Schmoop

Hola Bitches!!

Sorry Jay...For some reason I just felt like saying it, and it just felt right.

Hope you don’t mind me borrowing your phrase; I promise not to make a habit of it.


As I reported yesterday, Schmoop is going to contribute to Bagwine Ruminations once or twice a week, beginning tomorrow.

Here’s the problem I have…or that we have…or…um, me…yeah, this is going to take some getting used to. I’m very protective of my site, y’know. Um, as I said, Anyhoo…

I…er…we…have yet to come up with a clever name for her segments.

Oh sure, we have come up with plenty of possibilities, but none of them, “do it for me.”

We’ve thought of the following:

Schmoop is Bitchin’…That says two things. She is always bitchin’ and she is hot, but…eh, that’s okay.

The Schmoop Scoop…That kinda sounds like a type of celebrity gossip show, of which I loathe.

What the Fuck!?…She came up with that, and she does say it often, but that somewhat limits her range of emotions.

Bagwhine With Schmoop…She does whine, but like the above title, it confines her.

We’ve also considered…Schmoopology, Schmoop Sez, The Straight Poop From Schmoop.

Well, tomorrow is THE day that she makes her full-fledged, complete partnership debut here on Bagwine Ruminations and I…er…we need help.

If you have any ideas as to what we should call her offerings, please let us know.

It would be ideal to have her name in the title, but it is in no way a pre-requisite. If it’s funny, we’ll go with it.

So there you have it folks, lay it on me…er…us. I know that we can count on you for something pretty damn funny.

While you work on that, I'll take some new pictures of the Schmoop...a fresh start calls for some fresh pics.

Have a wonderful Hump Day, and get to humpin’ on those ideas.



MysteryChick said...

The #9 Special?

katherine. said...

mystery chick has it...something with #9

nine wine?

Schmoop said...

Chick: Ah...I hadn't thought of that. That has possibilities. Cheers!!

Kat: Nine Wine, eh? Aside from the segment title, I wonder exactly what Nine Wine would taste like. Yum. Cheers Kat!!

Dana said...

Hmmmm ...

Schmoop's turn on Top?

Cowboy Schmoop??

Hmmmm ... again ...

katherine. said...

Matt's Twat?

Jay said...

Schmoopalicious Ruminations?

I kinda like Schmoopology too.

Schmoop said...

Dana: It has been duly noted. Yeeee-Hawww. Cheers!!

Kat: Ha. Good One. Simple, yet elegant. While she'll be amused as well, I think she'll veto that suggestion. Cheers!!

Jay: For some reason, I kinda like Schmoopology as well, but I don't know if it quite has that umph. Cheers Jay!!

Ken said...

Schizzeling Schmoop

Sizzle My Schmoop

Schmoop said...

Micky: Those sound incredibly sexual. You know how that type of salacious talk offends me. Cheers Mick!!

micky membrane said...

How about:

Bagwine Soup With Schmoop

or (she might like this one)

Just Blow Me!

Schmoop said...

Micky: Ha. "Blow Me" is one of her pet phrases. Cheers Mick!!

snugs said...

Schmoop Speaks

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...Hawt Talk w/ Schmoop...

Schmoop said...

Snugs: If we take your, "Schmoop Speaks" and add "Yet She Can Barely Feed Herself" to it, I might be up for that. Cheers Snugs!!

Phfrankie: That could work. I'll tell her to be naked while she types her posts and responds to comments. Cheers P-Man!!

Lu' said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Schmoop said...

Lu: Ha. Very Good. I particularly like:

F!@K, Just Schmoop It!

Have lovely day my friend. Cheers!!

Lu' said...

Schmoop Schmear

Schmoop DAMN IT!

what would Schmoop say

Schmoop there it is...

F!@K Just Schmoop it!

Schmoop ;)
When I'm not bangin' Matt-man

I deleted the above comment again! because I didn't proof read f..k it said the same as this comment basically. Has a lot to do with the fact I AM AT WORK :)

Schmoop said...

Lu: Ha. Realx, Lu...Relaaaaaax. Cheers!! : )

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...Schmoop On A Hot Tin Roof...

katherine. said...

pixie dust

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...Diary Of A Liver Hater...

katherine. said...

when the matt's away...

Schmoop said...

Phfrankie: Ha. I like both of those, but I think the Hot Tin Roof one is a bit self serving in a lust for Elizabeth Taylor kinda way. Not that that is a bad thing. Purrrrr. Cheers!!

Kat: Ha. She is kinda Pixie looking. But she sure as hell doesn't act like one. I mean, unless pixies are frickin' evil. Cheers Kat!!

Schmoop said...

Kat: Ha. You're on a roll. And my, how I'd like to see that by the way. Cheers!!

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...It's Howdy Schmoopy Time!...

Schmoop said...

Phfrankie: Ha. Ahhh shit...You Phunny. Cheers!!

katherine. said...

Lady Mattbeth

Schmoop said...

Kat: Ha. Good One. You were chuckling to yourself when you came up with that one, weren't ya? Cheers Kat!!

katherine. said...

you know it...still am

Schmoop said...

Kat: As you should be. The most unextrordianry posts make for the best comments. You don't have your riding chaps on do ya? Just lie, and tell me you do. Pleeeeze. Cheers!!

katherine. said...

snapped on and ready to ride....

Schmoop said...

Kat: Oh Dear GAWD....Mmmmmmmm. I'd send ya a riding crop to go along with them, but why send you something that only Teamster will get pleasure out of? Cheers Kat!!

Dice Mardell said...

I can't think of anything (right now)...
...I'm laughing too hard AND I'm at work. HA !!!


Schmoop said...

Dice: Ha. Well if someone asks you why, don't mention the internet, just say you're laughing at your boss. That'll be helpful won't it? Cheers Di!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

The Better Half =)

Cheesy said...

"Aunt Flo Sez...."

Just because it will be the only time she will have time to type...seeings how you ARE the dawg~~

Schmoop said...

Starr: Now THAT was just plain hurtful. Cheers Bay-Bay!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Dude...go watch that liver video again. I hold firm to that statement!

Beth said...

Ding, Ding, Ding!!! Starr hit it! Whatever is decided will be fine, I'm sure what I write probably won't be coherent anyhoo. Hey, how about Drunk Bitch Speaks????

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Ha. I am the DAWG aren't I? And by the way...You do not know how frickin' timely that title is. Damn, Curse of Eve. Cheers!!

The Teamster said...

hmmmm...ever hear that song by Garth Brooks that starts where the farmer comes in and his wife has "nothing" but an apron on...

imagine it with chaps....

no...not me....her....

and instead of about #69...with schmoop

Schmoop said...

Starr: Don't be dissin liver. Organ meat is Yum-Oh!! Cheers!!

Schmoop: Evidently you commented prior to seeing Cheesy's comment. If it's coherent or not doesn't matter. I'll be drunk when I read it and find it funny. Cheers and Zoves!!

katherine. said...

Teamster...I like it when you wear nothing but the chaps....I have a picture here somewhere...

Schmoop said...

Teamster: Oh look at you, subtlely gloating over Kat in chaps!! I can't do a 69 with Schmoop...She has loose bowels. ; ) Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Kat: Please...Keep it to yourself. Cheers!!

Lu' said...

Following Phfrankie's movie theme:

Schmoop without a cause

World according to Schmoop

Drunken Horror Schmoop Show

The Sound of Schmoop

Bridge Over Druken Schmoop

Schmoop Schmoop Schmoop

The Schmoop MotherSchmoop Identity

Schmoop Hard

Sarge Charlie said...

OK Matt Man, I cannot let your stupid comment go unanswered, no time to respond now but will later.

Schmoop said...

Lu: You should be given a Merit Badge for your effort. I so dig you. Cheers!!

Charlie: In the immortal words of your infantile hero, Dubya..."Bring it On!!" Cheers!!

katherine. said...

yeah. insults and name calling.

it has become our national pastime.

stupid from sarge
infantile from matt

why do you two insist on reading and commenting on each other's blog??

both of you are far better men.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Katherine I think I love you =)

Desert Songbird said...

I think Katherine has the winner with Lady Mattbeth.

That one alone elicited more than giggles from me.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Oh and her tag line could be "Out damn Liver!"

katherine. said...

starr...the feeling is mutual...

out damn liver...laughing Laughing LAUGHING

how do you feel about leather chaps?

Cinnamon Girl said...

Hah...there is a picture of me on a tractor in spurs holding a 12 gauge shotgun. Chaps own =)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


Scooping With Schmoop

The Schmoop Schmoop Song

And I happened to LOVE your comment on that other site...Of course everyone hates him and nothing he does is right.

Schmoop said...

Kat: Because...At least for me, number one it's fun, and no less important, it's the right thing to do. Cheers!!

Starr: Mmmmmm. That's kinda hot. Cheers!!

Songbird: Maybe so, but Schmoop has always referred to Bill as a Lily White Prose Hack. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Kat: Oh Dear God, you're killin' me. Cheers!!

Bond: I do have my moments, no? Cheers Vinny!!

Lu' said...

Forgot to mention yesterday, laughed right out when you wrote: Iranian President Mahmoud Dinnerjacket. My Hubs calls him Mahmoud Iditarod ha ha ha.

dumbass said...

how about, "this site really isnt interesting, so im trying something different because im kind of a dumbass, and my readers dont really have lives and shit"

Schmoop said...

Lu: Ha. I thik I actually started calling him that based on something Cheesy said one time. Cheers Lu!!

Dumbass: Well, that's not bad, but it is a little wordy. I don't think it would stick in one's mind. Cheers!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Wow I have no life. Hot damn. Can I stop paying bills now?

At least the anonymous douche picked an appropriate screen name =)

Schmoop said...

Starr: Ha. I knew you would chime in on that bonehead's comment...I just didn't realize that it would be so quickly. You Rock. Cheers!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Of course it was quick...I have no life you know. And only those of us with no lives have the subscribe by email option and lunch hours ;)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Wait just a second...where the hell is my official "I don't have a life & s**t" welcome kit, t-shirt and membership card?

Dear Dumba**...only complete drooling losers hide behind a screen when making comments. I bet your momma isn't even proud of you.

katherine. said...

Soooo.... anonymous dumbass...why would one keep coming to Bagwine and reading if you didn't think it was interesting?

Does your computer have a mind of its own?

If you thought the other readers were dumb asses with no lives and shit...why do you come and play with us?

Is it some form of self punishment?

I bet the anonymous dumbass watches movies they hate and listens to music that makes their ears bleed...

Schmoop said...

Bond: I must have omitted you from the list. I feel so inadequate now. Your membership kit is being overnighted to you. Cheers!!

Kat: Ha. Maybe his hard drive is just drawn to this site. And I apologize for calling Bush, "infantile"...Sorta. Cheers Kat!!