Happy Friiiiiiday Chuckleheads!!
The greater Bagwine Metroplex is in shut down mode. The five inches of snow have left the Gotham of Ohio in a state of comatosis…Well, yeah it’s a word now ya bastards!!
The roads are covered in snow and ice. The schools are closed. Schmoop took a vacation day.
(Although I think Schmoop took the day off not because of the icy roads, but rather so she could stay home, drink beer, and have hot sex with me, and really…can ya blame her? Of course not.)
I really have nothing of worth to say today, and yes I know, many of you are saying that that is the case every day, but felt like checking in. It’s what I do. It’s all I do. I have no job!!
Jayman and I had a pretty good show last night. We discussed unemployment, the upcoming SOTU address, and we even played one of Kim Fragile’s outtakes:
(to listen, click where the player says, "twaudio")
We were also first, fast, an factual with today’s school closings. As stated last night and coming to fruition this morning, The Chappie James Academy and Mulligan Stew Academy are indeed closed today. God we’re good!!
If you’re snowed in today or perhaps just need to kill some time before you begin your weekend, you can listen to our show utilizing the handy dandy BTR player:
If you can, just listen to a couple of minutes so Jay and I can have I’m With Stupid race up the ratings charts. We have nothing else to live for. So c’mon…throw us a bone.
That’s all I have. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend filled with lots of alcohol and plenty of sex.
Until next time my friends…
I'm thrilled to hear (for Schmoop's sake) that you are no longer withholding.
Knight: Ha...There was pre-show sex yesterday and today there will be post Wal*Mart visit sex today. And then...we will have sex just for the helluva it. Cheers Knight!!
Schmoop is home today? It's party time!!
Jay: I'll have her call you later and she can tell you what she's wearing. Cheers Funny Man!!
Three-day-weekend! Booyah!
RatL We just got back from Wal*Mart....Oh yeah we're stocked, and ready to go. Thanks Hot Stuff. Have a wunnerful weekend and thanks for listenin' last night too. Cheers Adorable One!!
Happy Snow days!
Raqule: Thanks. So far, so good. Have a great weekend, Hot Stuff!! Cheers Roc!!
Did Jay say he was infected? oh no, that was affected. Sorry.
Michele: Oh Jay is infected alright. With what? We don't know. Cheers and you and the JR-Man have a lovely weekend. Cheers Michele!!
Sure I'll listen. I'll help out my 'friends'. They won't lead me down the rosey path. Sure....
Mike: Ha. We miss your calls. Well, I do...not too sure about Jay. Cheers Mike!!
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