Sheesh…Being President of the United States is a busy job. How the hell Bill Clinton worked hosing a moist mouthed Jewish chick into his schedule leaves me baffled…and in awe. Anyhoo…
Tonight, Obama will announce his plan for Health Care Reform. At long last legislation, we will finally know what Obamacare means.
I already know what it means…it means he’s too late.

Obama let the 3,000 different plans proposed by his fellow Democrats, and the paranoia inducing rhetoric by the Republicans leave us once again with no significant reform in regards to health care.
Late Tuesday, Sen. Max “They Were Filming Me With You Tubes” Baucus (D-MT) claims that his “Gang of Six” are close to ironing out a deal on Health Care Reform that may pass both houses of Congress.
The deal thus far, does not include a Public Option. It isn’t Universal Health Care. It calls for fines for up to $3,800 on people who do not buy health insurance.
Man, that is some serious reform. Let’s see…If I don’t by insurance, I’ll be fined. There is no cost-contained government plan available. So, from whom do I purchase health coverage in order to avoid any fines? D’oh!! The fucking, pre-existing insurance companies!!
The butcher, baker, and candlestick maker in Ohio can’t get coverage on pre-existing conditions, but by God, the health insurance companies not only get covered, with this proposal, they get additional coverage in the form of millions of new premiums.
Fan-Damn-Tastic!! Brilliant!! Praise the Lord, and Pass the Aetna Profits!! Here’s a free gall bladder removal for ya, Senator Baucus.

If I was President Obama, tonight I would give a simple five word address to Congress. It would be as follows:
“Fuck it…just fuck it.”
If Obama said that, he would earn respect from millions of Americans. His poll numbers currently swimming around 52%, would shoot into the 60’s. Many members of Congress would consider him a hero.
Because of his plain language and straight talk? No.
Because with that five word statement he would be demonstrating his desire to do nothing.
He would be letting Americans know that we will as a nation continue the traditions of out of control health care costs, millions of uninsured Americans, and putting profits before patients.
Americans like tradition. Tradition gives one the warmth of familiarity, and the status quo is like a comfortable pair shoes.
When Obama announced his dream of reforming the economy draining American health care system, he wasn’t merely dreaming. To many Americans, he was forcing them to try on a new pair shoes.
Americans don’t like that. They like walking around in the same pair that they are used to.
So President Obama, you too have finally learned the lesson as so many Presidents before you have…
The bigger your dreams…The larger your plans…The more grand your vision for this country, the worse your poll numbers get.
Americans like tradition. Tradition gives one the warmth of familiarity, and the status quo is like a comfortable pair shoes.
When Obama announced his dream of reforming the economy draining American health care system, he wasn’t merely dreaming. To many Americans, he was forcing them to try on a new pair shoes.

So President Obama, you too have finally learned the lesson as so many Presidents before you have…
The bigger your dreams…The larger your plans…The more grand your vision for this country, the worse your poll numbers get.
You see...
Many Americans and their elected representatives have a hard time dreaming big…especially when they are walking around in their comfortable shoes.
Many Americans and their elected representatives have a hard time dreaming big…especially when they are walking around in their comfortable shoes.
Health insurance mandate with no cost controls and no elimination of the pre-existing condition clause and still allowing insurers to drop people when they get sick is something that the republicans proposed years ago.
You know how during election years some people in the media always ask candidates "How much does a gallon of milk cost?" or some other grocery item? Well, I think they need to start asking these guys if they know what the average health insurance plan costs. Cause I don't think they have any idea. In fact, I'm sure of it.
Jay: And that sad things is Jay...If the condition you described gets passed members will actually think that they acomplished something great. Out of touch, baby...out of touch. Cheers Jay!!
...What about flop-flops? Are they concidered shoes? Because I wear flip-flops ALOT...
Phfrankie: There is no Public Option...Please turn in your flip-flops now and pick up your shoes. It's shoes or nothing, dammit. Cheers P-Man!!
there could be a public option, it could be paid for with no problem with existing funds in washington, but it wont. it wont because the size & scope of the fed govt will not be cut. its always the same at any level of govt, or indeed business. anytime funds are needed how is it done? cutting things on the front line... employees who make goods and provide services... govt is the same way, need funds for infrastructure? cut cops & fireman.. the idea to cut the bureaucracy never occurs to anyone in the position to do it. get rid of extravagant travel & office furniture, use cinder block rooms with one dangling light bulb & one rotary phone. we as citizens cant go to our employers and say, "gentlemen we had a budget shortfall last month, so we need to increase the amount of money we take in from you.." but congress does that. what do we do? we cut our spending to afford what we need. this never enters the playing field in govt. the question isnt whether it can be done, its how is it paid for? and paying for it could be done by capping spending in other areas, they regulate how much water we can flush down a toilet, yet spend millions to revamp their own offices... they love it when we all fight about this shit, that way they can do whatever they really want to do while we are looking at this mess...
Clay: I agree with you whole-heartedly. And there's a reason why it is hard to cut through the bureaucratic crap and waste.
While polls show that Americans hold a complete disdain for Congress in general, the same poll will typically show tha as far their feelings for their own rep, they tend to like him or her. Why is that?
Because their "guy" brings home the bacon. Americans and Reps in D.C. DO want spending cut to the bone, unless of course, it involves cuts in their own district.
It's the same mentality I mentioned the other day in a comment. Most Americans do not want government control over their personal lives.
Of course, if the government wants to control the habits of others in things with which some Americans are affected or don't agree with, Government control is a great thing.
Thinking like this, has become the major impediment to reforming health care or initiating any other major piece of legislation today. Cheers Clay!!
I thought the only important thing going on right now was the Beatles Rock Band release...I guess I was never cut out for politics.
Can they create a public option that won't add to the deficient?
I just gotta ask one thing, dude are those your blue sneakers?
Obama is the Greatest of them all
VE: And unlike you, as much as I try to stay away from politics, I just can't. It's in my blood, dammit. Cheers!!
Kat: I don't know. I haven't done the numbers. Cheers Kat!!
Snugs: Nooooooo. Nor are they my ankles/feet. Cheers!!
I call "bullshit"
I saw those sneakers at your apartment. You can't fool me!
Hey the storm has passed.
If Americans really wanted it, they'd be on the phone to their reps asking for affordable health care. And it would have to contain a public option. End of story.
But people hate change. They want the benefit without the hard work. It's pathetic and frankly this country is going down the shitter. And it deserves to.
thank gawd! You were going to totally ruin your sex appeal if those were your shoes with the little matching blue laces!
For three months this year JR and I were without health care (because we moved to fucking Texas) and though my employer would pay for short term coverage we couldn't get it. Do you wonder why? The why is because 4 years and 10 months before I had an angioplasty. The insurance companies would not insure me until the 5 year mark. So we sweated bullets. I never want another American to go through that. So those creeps on Capital hill better get off their collective asses and do something.
Micky: They only looked like that to you because you had tasted the beuty that is Wild Irish Rose. Cheers Mick!!
Starr: Silly girl...Like the majority of Americans are actually going to make an effort. Cheers Starr!!
Snugs: True, unless I met some chick who was a circus clown. She'd fine them sexy. Cheers Snugs!!
Michele: It's a shame that that happens in our incredibly rich nation. I hope they get off of their asses as well. But I'm not going to hold my breath. Cheers Michele!!
I think Obama is the shit...
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